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Picked up my 2013 Explorer Limited


September 21, 2012
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City, State
Andover, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Explorer Limited
I just picked up my 2013 Ex Limited with the 302a package. I really liked the adapted cruise on the way home. Nice improvement over my 2011 that I lemon lawed.

Now I need to figure out all of the upgraded electronics over my 2011 Limited.

More to come.

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I just picked up my 2013 Ex Limited with the 302a package. I really liked the adapted cruise on the way home. Nice improvement over my 2011 that I lemon lawed.

Now I need to figure out all of the upgraded electronics over my 2011 Limited.

More to come.

Adaptive cruise is one of my favorite parts of ours. Weird trusting it for the first time though!

I did the same as you, returned my 11 and got a 13 through Arbitration.

Your right the 13 is quite a bit different.

Main thing I noticed was the 4WD programming with the more powerful PTU and new programming. Rides a little tighter feels like the EPAS was also re-tuned.

Lane Keeping Technology is extremely accurate.

Congrats WoodduckMN on your new Ford Explorer. Hope that you enjoy it!

Adaptive cruise is one of my favorite parts of ours. Weird trusting it for the first time though!

Actually, I would never trust it...keep your foot close to the brake all the time. The manual states that it won't take the car to the complete stop...also it may run into a car that only partially cuts into the lane, on curves, etc.

Serious issue with adaptive crusie control

Im concerned after having some close calls using the adaptive cruise control.

The situation occurs in conjection with teh anti-collision system. I was using both system and had the car in front of me move off the pavement to complete a rioght hand turn. The anti-collision system freaked out and applied the brakes, tossing me into the seatbelts. Pretty scary in its own right but....

I am using a "Snapshot" unit from Progressive. For those that don't know, one of the things you are rated on is a Hard Stop. This equals any decrease of 7 miles per hour in a second or less. It is very easy to "Hard Brake", and when you do, you get three little beeps from the unit to let you know of the event.

When I experience the anti-collison event, I never get the three little beeps. Makes me wonder if I had any brake lights to warn cars behind me.

This has happened three times so far.

Im concerned after having some close calls using the adaptive cruise control.

The situation occurs in conjection with the anti-collision system. I was using both system and had the car in front of me move off the pavement to complete a rioght hand turn. The anti-collision system freaked out and applied the brakes, tossing me into the seatbelts. Pretty scary in its own right but....

I am using a "Snapshot" unit from Progressive. For those that don't know, one of the things you are rated on is a Hard Stop. This equals any decrease of 7 miles per hour in a second or less. It is very easy to "Hard Brake", and when you do, you get three little beeps from the unit to let you know of the event.

When I experience the anti-collison event, I never get the three little beeps. Makes me wonder if I had any brake lights to warn cars behind me.

This has happened three times so far.
When the Adaptive Cruise Control applies the brakes, the brake lights do come on.


Found it, power transfer unit !!!
