Pics 4" lift!!! | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pics 4" lift!!!

Duner, thanks for posting more pics. Looks like we are on the same page. I was looking today at a Speedway catalog trying to find uppers that would work. I have all the other brackets and mounts figured out. Just kinda iffy about the upper length and mounting. I also sent you a pm. Thanks again for the pics

The brackets are a totally different ball game than you would think. I did all of the brackets and thought I had it all figured out and had to make many adjustments and modifications to the brackets to get it together. I have everything revised and the bracket cut and will be doing my second set of brackets this weekend. I really don't think this is something that can be figured out before doing. It is more on the fly engineering until it is done. I do this kind of stuff for a living and this was a real challenge. I have weeks involved in detailed drawings, trail and error and working on patents and such to get these together and they are still evolving. I have some ideas for the front control arms to mount in the factory position but set where mine do at the pivot point to allow a stock bolt replacement instead of welding brackets to the frame as I did.

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Definitely like how the rear wheels are centered in the wheel well unlike how they are pushed forward with the btf spacers.

How's driving with 35s? I see you have the v8 and probably 3.73s so it can't be horrible. Id be interested in this kit if I had a v8 so build up and money to regear.... I'm suffering enough with the 4.0, 3.55s, and 33's

Here are a few pictures of some of the brackets. These are final run what would be sold if I market these. These are several more brackets but this is what I have now. I though everyone would like a sneak peak. All designed by myself.




That's pretty awesome, man. Sweet Explorer

Lookin good. Can't wait to get parts in and start on mine.

Definitely like how the rear wheels are centered in the wheel well unlike how they are pushed forward with the btf spacers.

How's driving with 35s? I see you have the v8 and probably 3.73s so it can't be horrible. Id be interested in this kit if I had a v8 so build up and money to regear.... I'm suffering enough with the 4.0, 3.55s, and 33's

4.56's or 4.88's will help alot and your 4.0 wont feel so doggish ;)

bravo duner bravo

Thanks guys
I am about to wrap everything up to sell.
I need about 10 serious people to get the first order going.

I should be able to get my vendor status here in the next week or two
By then I hope to be up and running.

Not sure if I am going to have time to finish getting this stuff into production I have been really busy with work and other stuff lately and had to put this on the back burner.

I may be willing to sell all of the details and CAD and DXF files to someone for $5500 who may want to take it the rest of the way. I have everything deatail in AutoCad for all of the parts and materials. I also have Nested DXF files for the Laser cutout of all of the flat peices. Enough to be able to send them to a vendor to have made.

Thanks guys
I am about to wrap everything up to sell.
I need about 10 serious people to get the first order going.

I should be able to get my vendor status here in the next week or two
By then I hope to be up and running.

DAMN!!!!! that looks so freaking beefy!!!!!! definitely interested :usa:

..... Did you look at the dates of this post
