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New Tires On...


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Springboro, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 EB V8 4WD
So I put my tires on today, they fill those wells and then some. Can't wait to get the lift on...
Here are some pics:

Stock Tires:



New Tires (255/75/17 BFG MT's):






Let me know what you think...

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lookin good. gonna look even better with the RB spacers!!

how loud are they on the highway?

p.s. HOOK 'EM HORNS!!!

lookin good. gonna look even better with the RB spacers!!

how loud are they on the highway?

p.s. HOOK 'EM HORNS!!!

Hook 'EM!

So far they are not loud at all, just a touch louder then the stock Rugged Trails. I know as they wear they will get louder but I don't mind the noise. I have a set on my Tacoma that are about 3 years old and they are super loud!

i had dunlop mud rovers on my f150 and they were hella-loud!! but im sure the explorers have better sound deadening material built into them.

i had dunlop mud rovers on my f150 and they were hella-loud!! but im sure the explorers have better sound deadening material built into them.

I will keep you posted...

I have had BFG MT's on for over a year now and I have zero noise complaints.

Lookin' good. Any rubbing issues? I switched out my stock 17's for 16's and went with a 265/75/R16 and have no problems.

Lookin' good. Any rubbing issues? I switched out my stock 17's for 16's and went with a 265/75/R16 and have no problems.

Rubs just a hair with the wheel turned all the way, shouldn't be a problem after I install the lift. I hope, or I will be doing some cutting;)

nice tires
