PKF II problem URGENT! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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PKF II problem URGENT!


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2004
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Wichita Falls, Tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport
I purchased a remote starter kit for my X and got main box installed but cannot get PKF2 Bypass to work. Now THEFT light blinks rapidly and truck wont start via the key. Does anyone have a wiring diagram for the bypass module? The directions they sent me are in Spanish and have a different color wiring codes than the actual unit I am trying to install. It is a Scytek PKF II Bypass module for Fords mfg before July24 2000. :eek:

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My remote start will disable the starter unless I unlock with the key fob or the entry pad. I was all messed up when I unlocked the door manualy and tried to start it. I even called the dealer and they said to bring it in and they would check it out. Drrrrr I couldn't start the thing... Then I read the remote start manual and figured it out. Anyways.. Does the remote start work? If it does try unlocking the doors with the fob and then try the key...


I had to temporarily disconnect it so I could go to work tonight. One problem I had was the remote start would work if the key was in the ignition (not turned on, just inserted) and I hit the start button on the remote. But the remote would NOT work if the key was not in the ignition.

So that leads me to believe the bypass module is not functioning properly.

It has 8 leads.
Brown, Blue, Black, Red, Yellow, White, Violet, and green.

They directions they gave me with the unit only show 6 leads. Being Blue, Red, Black, Brown, Orange, and green.

So you can see my dilema.

How many wires does yours have Jeff? And con you tell me the colors and where they connect?


Thats what the PKF is. (P)ATS (K)it (F)ord. has the diagram for the remote starter but not the bypass module. They are two seperate modules.

i've always used soley DEI prducts, never used Scytek so i can't help ya there. but if it starts with the key just in the ignition then you are correct. the bypass isn't working correctly. post a question in the security forum at the12volt.there a decades and decades upon decades of combined experience floating around on the forums there.

The remote starter that I have has a ring that warps around the reciever for the pats key and 2 wires (red and black) that go to a little box and that box is connected to the remote start reciever. It does indeed seem as if there is an issue with the pats part of your remote start.


I was just thinking too that you may not have the transponder in the proper location for the computer to see it. Thats if it is similar to the one I have. My ring slipped off its location and the remote start would not work.

I've found with programming PATS keys for customers that have remote starters is to turn one programmed key on and then remove it, turn a second programmed key on, then remove it, hit the remote start button to program it. I have also seen alot of (cheaper) remote starters where they actually place a programmed PATS key inside the steering column shroud (which totally eliminates the anti-theft portion of the system).
