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$%&@!# Plug Wires!


Towing Moderator
Moderator Emeritus
February 2, 2006
City, State
North East Arkansas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2012 F150 4x4
Ok, I am having constant problems with plug wires :thumbdwn: I only have problems when I tow my travel trailer, but I have problems almost every time. My #8 wire cooks the boot to the point that it cracks open and causes a miss fire.

The first one- Borg Warner Select wires from Oriley-


I use fiberglass woven "heat socks" on every cylinder to help with the problem, but it doesn't solve em all.

After a year, the BW's gave up the ghost in the picture above, I got another #8 wire and replaced it. About 6 months later, it quit too. I have become very good at changing plug wires on the side of the road. :(

I got tired of all of that and decided to buy top of the line wires- To the tune of $120 :eek:


These wires lasted two months :thumbdwn: :thumbdwn: :thumbdwn: :thumbdwn:


I sent and email to Taylor wires about my problem- they are no help at all. They want me to send my wires in for inspection so they can determine if
they will replace them.

After I sent them the first email, another wire went south, this one wasn't even in an area tight up against headers. I think I got a bad set of wires, but can't get any help from them, I expected far more from a "smallish" company.

So, since I drive my truck every day, that won't work for me and the only other solution is to buy another set. I am disappointed with Taylor wires and will never buy another. I am now running one Motorcraft wire from my original, factory set, one BW wire and 6 Taylor wires. I guess I will wait until I have the money and buy a Motorcraft wire set.

Here is the area where I keep toasting wires:


With the plug wire and sock in there:


I emailed Bob at Torque Monster Headers asking about my wire problem, he amazingly said let me send you another drivers side header with improved clearance for the wire. I have it sitting in my living room floor ready to install. Bob is top notch, I wish all people had customer service like he does.

So, the moral of the story- Buy headers from Bob, not wires from Taylor.

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The burn mark on the side and the last picture makes me think that the plug wire was arcing onto the exhaust manifold. Pop the new manifolds on -- that'll probably get rid of the arcing.

Your correct, Senator. The biggest problem is the boots cook to the point that they start to arc because they crack open. I was just really surprised that the expensive Taylor wires lasted 1/8th the time the cheapo BW's did.

Wow, i'm glad you posted this now, I was about to buy a set of taylor wires. Guess I'll get a motorcraft set now. I just looked at my headers and it's pretty tight in there, I think the solution would be the motorcraft wires, and to switch the #7 and #8 plugs as the #7 wire has a pretty stout metal heat shield around it.

I thought I was running Taylor wires but now I just remembered I got these weird German brand (for European Explorers -- with a weird lion looking logo like Agip's logo).

But in defense of Taylor (or any wire manufacturer), I dont think plug wires are supposed to be touching the exhaust manifold. I mean the manifolds probably reach very close to EGT temperatures. Even if Taylor sent you a new batch of wires, the problem is not the wires but the clearance issue of the manifolds.

Right again Senator, but the #3 boot wasn't touching anything and it did exactly the same thing.

My BW wires lasted a year under the same conditions. Why did the Taylors only last two months? Its not so much even that the wires failed, its that they don't allow a person who DD's their vehicle to get any replacements if there is a problem.

Ah I see

...years ago i had a similar problem and when i brought it to the attention of the wire manufacturer they said i voided the warranty by having headers...they said the heat from headers was greater than stock manifolds...my remedy was to heat wrap the headers in my problem area..
...thanks for the heads up on taylor wires ...:D

Heat wrap won't work one headers, I talked to Bob about that extensively. He said the the heat would deteriorate the metal of the headers and they would leak in short order as well as void his warranty.

Once I install the new header, I will run Motorcraft wires and heat socks and hope for the best.

Oddly enough about the heat thing- when my wire failed the other day, I was able to change the wire within just a few minutes of shutting the truck off. The ceramic coating on the headers really helps with heat.

...lol, it's always something...:D
...i guess my point, and your too, would be the warranty of the wires and the headers...even though on my old fix i used a small amount to protect the wire and never had problems after that..;)

I wish I could find some straight boots plug wires- I think they would be easier to manage that way. Taylor said they would make a custom set with whatever boots I wanted, but why would I do that?

Taylor Wires: The last set of ignition wires you'll ever have to buy!


...back when i was running my mach1 we used to get custom wires and i'm sure they aren't all that expensive...we also used to make heat shields out of tin, for lack of a better word to protect the plug and the boot...
...i would talk to a couple local speed shops and get some ideas...just my .o2...:D

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...i could check with some relatives that dirt track back there for ya and see what they could come up with....;)
