Possible 3rd row seat for 04 eddie bauer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Possible 3rd row seat for 04 eddie bauer?


New Member
March 8, 2008
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City, State
Fishers, Indiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Eddie Bauer
I was looking at a rear and 3rd row seat from an 02 (no model listed, but they are leather). Will it work in my 04 eddie bauer? and if so what all do I need to complete the installation. It appeared that they face forward and it's not an aftermarket deal. Thanks to all, Gregg

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I would think so...But I was told never to think, just move and react.

There is more to that than you probably think. If you want your second row seats to fold and tumble to allow access to the third row you will probably have to change the brackets. I think you have to replace the plastic panels in the back too because they are different on models with a third row.

At a Minimum you'll need the following

1 - the 3rd row seat and its bracket.
2 - 3rd row seatbelts
3 - the upper rear side panels as they have the slot for the seatbelts for the 3rd row
4 - 2nd row seat brackets and attached seatbelts (to allow the seats to flip forward and out of the way to enter the 3rd row

If you did not mind the aggrivation of climbing over the folded down second row I guess you could get by without the second row brackets.

If your X does not have a 3rd row now then no you can not "bolt" in one, the rear pan is completely different.

After looking at everyphoto and junk yarder ive seen my impression is that the the pans are the Same. Only difference is how things mount to the floor. In the pic you can even see where that storage bins would mount, the rubber grommets in the floor.
Curtis is right on with what needed.
What we need is a write-up . . .:scratch:


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You are right, I checked same pan but everything else is different. So you "could" bolt it in but you would need a few parts.
