Post pictures of your truck with auxiliary lights | Page 22 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Post pictures of your truck with auxiliary lights

Please post some pictures of your truck with auxiliary lights installed.

Thanks ...

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Here's mine



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Here's mine with the light bar that santa brought me. They are 4 Hella 55w Black Magic lights.


And 2 Hella 55w Black Magic lights on the bumper...


And how the bar mounts on the truck.


And some night shots. Sorry not the best, crappy camera...



Switches for all the lights.


albi1cnobi1, those are some serious lights. I like them! I bet you can see clearly for a half mile with all of them on!

These are old pictures....


Remote control Go light

Current list..
4x-100w 7" Spots, 4x-100w 4" Driving lights in bumper, 4300k HID Projector headlights, 2x- 4300K HID Superduty diesel Fog lights, 5x- 100w 7" spots on roof rack
4x- 100w 2x4" floods on each side, Go Light remote spot on drivers side
2x- LED 1x6"Bed lights mounted on toolbox, 4x- 100w 4" Spots in back bumper, LED tailights.
And misc. other lights.
right now im working on converting all the 7" spots to HID and all side and rear lights to LED light bars

Well thanks jjaganashi. I was feelin pretty good about my truck until I saw yours. I guess it's back to the shrink to deal with these old inadequacy issues. lol Seriously though, very nice job on the lights. I have on of those remote controlled go lites and was toying with the idea of putting it on.

that go light is amazing... if its dark out, u can point it up and see a strobe of light through the sky like movie theatre lights..
right now im trying to figure out how to convert it to HID..

They are cool. We have them on our trucks at work and they do light up the night. HID would be insane.

as far as off road lights go all I have is a couple of Lightforce lights


  • truck 2.JPG
    truck 2.JPG
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96 xlt Shackles and TT, 270k.

I can finally contribute to this thread.

There are 6 6x9 pro comp lights on the roof rack, 4 front 2 back. and 2 Bosch compact 100 fog lights on the front. still room to add. the lights still need some fine tuning and adjustments.


I got the front lights angled higher and outboard so i can see farther and wider.


My please back off lights. which i have not used. i think when people start to ride my bumper their headlights reflect off the lights reflectors and they kind of blind themselves. like having a mirror on the back of the Navajo. people have stopped riding my butt on the highway.


I wouldn't actually ever turn them on and blind someone though, i usually let people pass me. i would not be able to forgive myself for causing an accident that way.

04 Eddie Bauer with amber LEDs and 5000k hids


I've searched a little bit but am not having any luck. It's how I found this thread though... Has anyone seen a LED light bar mounted across the top of the windshield? If so, any pictures of how they did the brackets? I've got ideas on how I'm going to do mine but seeing pictures never hurts and obviously may show a better idea or spawn an idea that would be better. I'm currently thinking about putting some threaded inserts into the door jam so that I don't have to weld the brackets on permanent.

I'm basically looking to mount it something similar to how I did on our race truck. It's this exact same light bar that I'm mounting.


finally got all the off road lights installed, next up is to modify the brackets to attach some tow hooks


drilled painted and bolted up an additional piece of steel across the 2 factory aux light brackets so i could put 4 instead of 2. 2 inner ones are spot lights and the outer ones are flood lights. i get about 180* of lighting in the front



drilled a piece of stainless steel (laying around) and mounted it onto the roof backet U-bolts, then attached 2 flood lights onto them. the bracket swivels at the roof basket as well as the light itself, so I can turn them outwards a bit or perpendicular to the truck, and turn the lights another 90* so they can point forward/out to the sides if necessary.

wired them up and put the aux switch panel just above my knee so only i can access it, almost behind the ignition so i dont accidentally flip them on and blind people while driving.


next up is to get 2 more spot lights for the front of the roof basket, mounted the same way as the ones in the rear. very happy with how it turned out and since theyre all LED, the 6 lights use about the same current as 1 50watt spot/flood light :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Got the new stuff going on the new brush guard after the accident

Green LED H3


Fogs and Corners


I've searched a little bit but am not having any luck. It's how I found this thread though... Has anyone seen a LED light bar mounted across the top of the windshield? If so, any pictures of how they did the brackets? I've got ideas on how I'm going to do mine but seeing pictures never hurts and obviously may show a better idea or spawn an idea that would be better. I'm currently thinking about putting some threaded inserts into the door jam so that I don't have to weld the brackets on permanent.

I'm basically looking to mount it something similar to how I did on our race truck. It's this exact same light bar that I'm mounting.


Screw the lights, can I have the truck? :D

LOL, cruise out to vegas and if it's torn down for prep and not in driving condition at worst case I'll give you a ride in the other one. Next best thing to giving you the truck I suppose. This is the collection at my house. The expo and the red one are solely mine. The race truck is a partnership type deal but it lives with me.



wish I had the skills to build one

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LOL, no you don't! Trust me! You probably have a life where as I spend virtually every spare moment in my garage. LOL
