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Post yer 94 pictures

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What I started with-1994 Explorer XLT.

And after 2 years of work, it's current status:


You have anymore pics? I'm really diggin it!

Sadly, that's all I have. I sold it soon after these were taken (about a month ago and I'm kicking myself in the ass for it) . I currently have my eye set on a wrecked '96 four door. I'm waiting on the price to drop, and for my wife to cave in.;)

Correction... It was a 95... and I bought it. I won't talk about it, though, since this is for '94s.:)

I'm just happy to have another Ex.

It looked alot better when you bought it lol
Did you see his rebuild thread? That truck is bad ass. It's a great mix of the first and second gen. It is probably one of my favorites on the site simply for the ingenuity put into it. :D

Did you see his rebuild thread? That truck is bad ass. It's a great mix of the first and second gen. It is probably one of my favorites on the site simply for the ingenuity put into it. :D

got the link to the rebuild thread?

Still looked better all one color.

Tis a shame a good looking first gen was sacrificed for that frankenmachine you concocted. The song 'One Piece at a Time' by Johnny Cash comes to mind. However, the amount of work and ingenuity leaves my head spinning and my jaw on the floor.

Ugh. Not lookin good atm...

My 94 Explorer Limited:

Front bumper is off until I straighten the bracket from the previous owner's wreck, the car was missing chunks of body and paint all over when I got it, especially the huge rock chunks in the running boards. Still want to redo the paintjob and get the original 94 Limited Gray on the trim and such.

I'm seeing alot of ex that start off looking good then end up looking terrible .lol. oh well they don't exactly get better with age anyway

Jable you should definately get some clear corners and headlights. Tint your windows and get some shades for your brake lights. That would look amazing

although jable dosent have that x anymore i thought it looked much better od green than original :) but as u said to each his own (of course i could be biased as mine looks much like his in the od gren pic lol)

although jable dosent have that x anymore i thought it looked much better od green than original :) but as u said to each his own (of course i could be biased as mine looks much like his in the od gren pic lol)

Omg, if thats not biased Idk what is. Loool you just hammered yourself right there. But yeah I do agree. The green looks a lot better than the original. I hear its even more efficient for bear hunting!

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In my opinion it's hard to make an X truly look bad, the only thing I dislike are small tires, especially with huge rims, fake chrome stick-ons, or obnoxious wings (I've seen one around here with a Subaru WRX-style wing)

Other than that, I have a respect for people's creativity, and appreciate their works.
