Power Door lock Switch | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Power Door lock Switch


September 3, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Spokane, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
94XLT, 94B4000, 91musgt
I have a 94 XLT with sticking power door lock switches. The switch on the drivers side arm rest will unlock but not lock. I have never taken the door panels off this rig. Do they require any special tools for clip removal? I would assume these are sealed switches and require replacement rather than repair; although it's probably only dirty contacts. Does anyone have any experience with this? Any information will be appreciated. :chug:

I have a '91, I think the panels are the same. No Panel removal required.
theres a notch (at the top by the Lock switch) for a bladed screwdriver, that will pop up the Switch Cluster then slightly pull the Cluster toward the windshield to release the tabs that hold the bottm section in.
It might be the opposite. The Notch might be at the bottom. anyway, if it's like my '91, pop up at the notch and lift and pull to release the other side.
