Power Leather seat upgrade (wiring?) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Power Leather seat upgrade (wiring?)


Well-Known Member
November 4, 2003
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memphis, tn
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
I love me some self service junk yards.

Yesterday I went for a steering gear box cause mine sprang a severe leak. After getting a good low mileage one, I went poking around to see what else I could fine. I came across a 2000 that was rolled. The interior was perfect. Non-perforated leather seats that match my interior. Obviously no kids and and the owner took care of it inside and out.

Now that the steering is taken care of and aligned, I am going to install my new seats. I'm wondering what others have done to get power to the seats. I was thinking of tapping into the cig lighter, but I'm hoping you guys have a better plan.

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Gen 2 power seat circuit requires at least 25 amps. At least that's what my wiring diagrams show. I believe the cig lighter is only 10a. The gen 1 has a slot in the power distribution block for a 60a fuse (what the gen 1 seats required). I wouldn't go anything lower than the 25a.

I'm not sure how to go about the actual wiring though as mine had dual power seats from the factory on the 60a circuit.

This is a pretty straight forward mod. Since you grabbed 2000 seats, you will also need the square black electrical pigtail that comes up through the floor on the 2000 (Should have a BK and BK/WH wire) for both seats. Also, are they heated or non heated? That will make a difference on how to wire them in. But as said above, the seats are hot at all times and ground, pretty simple. You can tap the fuse block in the engine bay, or simpley run them (fused of course) from the starter relay on the firewall.

Thanks guys. I just now discovered the empty fuse slot under the hood. So that's what I'm planning on doing. I was just trying to figure out what colors do what, so I came inside for some research. Do you think I should run two wires to the fuse box, or one 8 gauge then split it in the cabin?

I guess they are heated seats. there are a few extra wires. It would be nice to have have the heated seats, but I wonder where to put the switch. If heated, do they have high/low?

Left seat:

Right seat:
blue white

I disregarded the the wires for the air bag (yellow plug)

The blue/white is constant power for the heated seats. If you get the proper size wire and fuse you'll be able to use it for both the power seat positive and constant seat heat positive. The gray/yellow is the ignition sense for the heated seats(so they don't say on when the truck is off). I pulled this off the ignition wire from radio. It doesn't draw much so anywhere will be good. Russell might suggest a better location. I went for ease of access.

You should have a gray/yellow for the passenger seat as well?

Thanks guys. I just now discovered the empty fuse slot under the hood. So that's what I'm planning on doing. I was just trying to figure out what colors do what, so I came inside for some research. Do you think I should run two wires to the fuse box, or one 8 gauge then split it in the cabin?

I guess they are heated seats. there are a few extra wires. It would be nice to have have the heated seats, but I wonder where to put the switch. If heated, do they have high/low?

Left seat:

Right seat:
blue white

I disregarded the the wires for the air bag (yellow plug)

Here's the wiring diagrams for both the heated portion and the power portion of the seats. The biggest thing for me to stress to you is to cut off as much of the floor wiring as possible so that was it's like stock (for future removal, ect). Good luck!




Can anyone tell me where the green wire from the fuse block goes to? I hope it goes somewhere in the cabin, but I'm sure my luck isn't that good.


I did remove all of the wire harness I could get to. Thanks for the wire diagram.

Can anyone tell me where the green wire from the fuse block goes to? I hope it goes somewhere in the cabin, but I'm sure my luck isn't that good.


I did remove all of the wire harness I could get to. Thanks for the wire diagram.

IIRC, the green wire going from the fuse block into the cabin terminates at the firewall connector (the big round plug) on the drive side below the brake booster. It was then the dash and body harness that continued the circuit into the body, which in your case, isnt not there. Start looking around the round plug and do a continuity check with your multimeter to determine what wire on the plug is the same as the one going to the fuse block.

Thank you very much. Time and time again I'm grateful for all you guys.

I had to postpone the full install today when it was pointed out that my dog shat nearly pure blood. The vet said bring her in an hour and half later. That was enough time to go ahead and swap the belt buckles and install the seats without the wiring. I used a spare battery to adjust the seat so I could drive. We don't like the pet hair in the wife's Acura, so it's my truck that gets the honor.

I will be back at it tomorrow. I'm in search of switches for the heated seats. I'm hoping to find one I can install in the plastic side cover where the other seat switches are.

Thanks again to everyone.

Thank you very much. Time and time again I'm grateful for all you guys.

I had to postpone the full install today when it was pointed out that my dog shat nearly pure blood. The vet said bring her in an hour and half later. That was enough time to go ahead and swap the belt buckles and install the seats without the wiring. I used a spare battery to adjust the seat so I could drive. We don't like the pet hair in the wife's Acura, so it's my truck that gets the honor.

I will be back at it tomorrow. I'm in search of switches for the heated seats. I'm hoping to find one I can install in the plastic side cover where the other seat switches are.

Thanks again to everyone.

I might want to clarify something real quick. Did the seats you take out, did it have the side cover on it that had the hole for a heated seat switch? If not, then you do not have heated seats. All 99-01 seats had those extra wires for heated seats, regardless if they were ACTUALLY heated. I should have been more specific, my bad. If you take a picture of the side trim panel, ill be able to tell you 100% if you have heated seats or not.

Okay then. I don't have heated seats. No switch. That's alright, I never use them in the Acura. I just wanted them to work if they were there. Less work for me.:thumbsup:

I love the new seats. I talk to them, tell them how pretty they are, how comfortable they are. They are not perfect being 12 years old, but they fit the rest of my 20 year interior perfectly.
