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Power Liftgate

Hi RocketNerd,

Have you been to your dealership so they can take a look? Additionally, I'm happy to step in and get your case escalated to your regional customer service manager; just send me a PM with your VIN, dealer, mileage, daytime phone number, and VIN. I'll get the ball rolling!

Thanks for the good suggestion, blwnsmoke!


Thanks, Crystal!

I have not had a chance to take my Ex to the dealer yet. I plan to schedule a visit as soon as we get back from our road trip (probably 01/02). I'll keep you guys posted on the outcome.

Blwnsmoke - Tried your recommendation to cycle the liftgate settings from the dashboard - no joy. :banghead:

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Thanks, Crystal!

I have not had a chance to take my Ex to the dealer yet. I plan to schedule a visit as soon as we get back from our road trip (probably 01/02). I'll keep you guys posted on the outcome.

Blwnsmoke - Tried your recommendation to cycle the liftgate settings from the dashboard - no joy. :banghead:

Thanks for keeping us in the loop, RocketNerd! Have an awesome road trip - don't forget to pick up souvenirs for everyone here. ;)


Hey guys,

Just wanted to give you an update. I took the Ex to our dealer last week and they (hopefully) fixed the liftgate problem. I believe the service manager did the recommended TSB fix since my problem sounded similar to what was described in the TSB. Oddly enough, the temps have been moderate in Phoenix valley this past week, however, it's supposed to cool down to the high 20s this weekend. I'm hoping this will give me a good chance to test the "fix." I did notice that the liftgate seemed to open smoother, but that might be a subjective thing.

Hey guys,

Just wanted to give you an update. I took the Ex to our dealer last week and they (hopefully) fixed the liftgate problem. I believe the service manager did the recommended TSB fix since my problem sounded similar to what was described in the TSB. Oddly enough, the temps have been moderate in Phoenix valley this past week, however, it's supposed to cool down to the high 20s this weekend. I'm hoping this will give me a good chance to test the "fix." I did notice that the liftgate seemed to open smoother, but that might be a subjective thing.

Fantastic news, RocketNerd! If you need any assistance in the future, just give me a shout.


My liftgate just started to make noise when opening and closing from the strut. Is there anyplace to oil the strut or does it need to be replace?
If it needs to be replace had anyone replace theirs already?
Thanks Steve.
