Pressure Control Solenoid B | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pressure Control Solenoid B


Active Member
July 28, 2005
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City, State
Grande Prairie AB
Year, Model & Trim Level
01 Sport
So, Picked up a 2003 Explorer (as a 'quick flip'...yeah. not so much.
Got er mobile finally, steering column, PATS reprogram, had to buy another one to salvage for parts, as the original had the intermediate drum LAYING IN THE PAN!! but i digress..)

It's working ok, but i get P0775, pressure control solenoid B circuit malfunction. I've read about servo pistons, and the solenoid pack...

I'm also experiencing the 'lift to shift' symptoms of the separator plate gasket failure.
So, finally to my question!
Can a popped separator gasket cause me the 0775 code, or am i looking at 2 different issues? I've spent too much saving this ole gal as it is, I want to turn some profit on it, or I'm gonna rally it to death!

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Before you replace that, rule out the SSB just in case it shows slow in opening/closing. It'd be pretty dumb if you fins out all it was was a slow solenoid.

SSB? is that Shift solenoid?
how can ya diagnose it?
Everything OHMs out ok

So, Picked up a 2003 Explorer (as a 'quick flip'...yeah. not so much.
Got er mobile finally, steering column, PATS reprogram, had to buy another one to salvage for parts, as the original had the intermediate drum LAYING IN THE PAN!! but I digress..)

It's working ok, but i get P0775, pressure control solenoid B circuit malfunction. I've read about servo pistons, and the solenoid pack...

I'm also experiencing the 'lift to shift' symptoms of the separator plate gasket failure.
So, finally to my question!
Can a popped separator gasket cause me the 0775 code, or am I looking at 2 different issues? I've spent too much saving this ole gal as it is, I want to turn some profit on it, or I'm gonna rally it to death!

Your 03 Explorer probably has a 5R55W transmission, their separator plate on these have bonded gaskets to the plate and they never seem to have problems with them blowing out.

The P0775 code for this transmission is usually because of worn servo bores in the case, the worn bores will also cause the "lift to shift" condition as well.

The real fix is to rebuild the transmission and sleeve the case where the servos ride with brass sleeves. However there are servo pistons available that have o rings on them, this will help seal the worn bores in the case and in most cases corrects the problem for a while. Click HERE to find the servos.

You should identify the transmission for sure before you order anything. You should have the 5R55W or 5R55S, but it might have a 5R55E in it as well. This fix will not work for the 5R55E, the 5R55E could have the valve body gasket issue.

The easiest way to tell is the 5R55E transmission will have a dipstick and the 5R55W and S have to filled from the bottom.

It's an S, It came with the W, but the donor I found had the S. Did the S have the bonded gasket?

I may try the o ring method, he's charging an arm and a leg for a couple low cost servo's with .2 hours of machine time....I guess it's the R&D one pays for really...

Well there is your problem... The two transmissions have different gear ratios in the overdrive section.

The S has a Short Ratio and the W has a Wide Ratio, the two cannot be interchanged. The computer is not seeing what should when the overdrive section is applied in 2nd and 5th and sets a code.

Somebody asked me if the computers could be swapped, I dont know but it might be worth a shot.

I'll try swapping the computers tonight. It told me 'check transmission' in the donor as well, but due to the violent abuse I was putting it through at the time(it was a wreck, it was fun!!), I didn't consider it much.

Would it not throw all sorts of turbine speed codes, instead of P0775 if it was gravely dissatisfied with speeds? If I drive her 'easy' <2000rpm shifts, she throws no codes...

Swapped the PCM and defeated the (false sense of) Security system, still getting the same single code. P0775

Looking like servo bore wear?

Yes I would think so.

I never did update...I found the servo piston to be broken..I'd already ordered the ones with the O-rings, so I changed the broken one for the o-ring one, and life is good. I still have the OD one if anyone has a worn bore and needs it.
