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Problems Solved!


November 12, 2013
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Ford Explorer Limited 2.0
I am very pleased to announce that the problems I have experienced on our ’14 Explorer Limited 2.0L Ecoboost have been solved.

I had always complained that I NEVER got the 28 hwy mpg EPA rating (“Best in Class Fuel Economy” as Ford advertised) even cruising at 60-65 mph. Now, on our recent 500 mile round trip I got 28.8 mpg going and 28.0 mpg returning cruising at a steady 75 mph with a/c, on.

The harsh downshift I would experience cruising on the highway when climbing a hill requiring a downshift is gone!

The hesitation due to turbo-lag is gone! Yes, you can adjust driving habits to minimize this, but sometimes, when you just need to step on it and go, it can be dramatic. Now I have very smooth and strong acceleration.

The feature of the radio playing after you shut off the engine being interrupted/stopped by a notice of “Battery Saving Mode Shut Down” is gone!

The cheapness of Ford’s decision NOT to have tire pressure monitoring by displaying individual tire pressure by wheel is no longer a problem! Now I have that feature of TP by wheel. Could not understand why a $40k Ford only had a “Low Tire Pressure” light when much cheaper cars from other manufacturers have had the better system for many years.

Even improved the ride, handling and comfort.

How did I do it? I bought a 2017 GMC Acadia (exceeds it's EPA hwy rating of 25 mpg)! Thank you, Ford, for screwing me on the a/c problem last year and the failure of the high pressure fuel pump this year on my Explorer to motivate me to look for and buy a much better product! And thank you, Ford for showing me through your form letter responses from your Consumer Affairs Dept. and Executive Liaison Dept. which showed me that your are not interested in addressing your customer’s issues. That motivated me to NOT just buy another new Mustang 2 years ago, which motivated me to check the competition, and ended up in my purchase of a 2016 Corvette Stingray Z51 instead of a GT350 – I have a superior car at a better price. Great performance and way better mpg as well. I will NEVER again buy another new Ford and I’m letting everyone I know about it. THANKS!

Now I’m pretty certain that the Ford tools I experienced on this forum before will try to hit me with lame excuses or discredit my comments with illogical reasoning as they have done before. Frankly, I don’t care. The best cure for Explorer problems (which are many) is to not buy Ford.

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If you are referring to the Ford reps ("Ford tools" ) you won't get any any feedback from them. It seems the reps were unfortunately pulled from all the Ford forums at the end of January. As for Ford itself, they don't read the Forums. One possible reason the mileage is better is because the Acadia is a slightly smaller and lighter vehicle compared to the Explorer. It also appears to have a few issues of its own according to a few forums I checked. But that can be said of most vehicles. Good luck with the new vehicle.


:snicker:Acadia . I wanted to fix my MPG problems with one of those silly little cars from the GM commercials where the headlights look like an Audis or something but that's just embarrassing.


Thank you, Peter. I was really hoping for a Ford rep to at least see this. Oh well. The new Acadia is a little smaller & lighter, but my point was that it does significantly better than the EPA rating whereas my Explorer always did significantly worse. The way Ford dealt with my issues, especially the a/c and high pressure fuel pump failure, I will never buy another new Ford. Consumers Reports rated the new Acadia much higher than the Explorer overall and we are impressed with it so far.

Thanks! We are enjoying it. Acadia is all new for 2017. I expect it to be much better than the Explorer was for us.

I guess this dude needed a place to vent, but going to your ex's house to complain about a relationship that's already finished? Kinda silly to me.

That's the beauty with cars, if you aren't happy you can always sell your current one and get a new model. No one makes the perfect car, and it's hard to determine the reliability up front.

I tried the Acadia out before purchasing the ford. Felt like I was driving a boat. The styling is boring too. I'm sure it will have its share of problems too but when you get sick of it don't forget to post about it on their forums.

No one likes a quitter.
Despite the many nuisances that I'm experiencing with mine; I plan to drive it into the ground!

I guess this dude needed a place to vent, but going to your ex's house to complain about a relationship that's already finished? Kinda silly to me.

That's the beauty with cars, if you aren't happy you can always sell your current one and get a new model. No one makes the perfect car, and it's hard to determine the reliability up front.

I tried the Acadia out before purchasing the ford. Felt like I was driving a boat. The styling is boring too. I'm sure it will have its share of problems too but when you get sick of it don't forget to post about it on their forums.
Don't forget the 2017 Acadia has been redesigned and updated and is slightly smaller that the previous model years. I've noticed that quite a few of the popular car review sites have given it a 4 out of 5 star rating.


Don't forget the 2017 Acadia has been redesigned and updated and is slightly smaller that the previous model years. I've noticed that quite a few of the popular car review sites have given it a 4 out of 5 star rating.


Making OP's argument even more invalid. Even if the newer Acadia has seen a redesign it is still 4 years newer than his old Explorer and should technically be a tad more polished.

Sorry, these 'hey Ford, look at me' posts are kinda useless. We are all grownups, if you arent happy with something change it, but dont complain about it later and look for approval - especially on the internet. We are part of of this forum to help each other, not whine. In his original post he states 'I dont care' but obviously he does.

Don't even get me started on my experience with GM.

- 2 x full engine rebuilds (like full, full rebuilds complete with cylinder bore out)
- A fully seized rear differential
- entire timing chain replacement
- complete failure of airbag systems
- broken front defogger
- Rust issues on rear liftgate and door panels
- completely rotten exhaust system requiring full replacement
- Seized window regulators
- Transmission issues (particularly when shifting from 2nd into 3rd gear) as referenced by the dreaded "faceplate" problem online.
- Seized windshield wipers due to a design flaw (of course it happened as the wife drove home from work on a highway in a deluge requiring an emergency response when she could no longer keep going due to zero visibility).

This was all within the first 4 years of owning a vehicle we bought new.

Be careful how high you sit on your horse.

Brand new design, over 500 LBs lighter will certainly help with the MPGs for sure. Good luck with the new purchase and I can understand why you chose to move on given your point of view.

that's it?? you got lucky, they cant make a decent mid size or small, front or AWD vehicle, their most reliable car was probably a mid 80s Caprice etc:snicker: :help:. I guess there is that one Cavalier that went 100,000miles with only 2K of repairs but that's rare

Don't even get me started on my experience with GM.

- 2 x full engine rebuilds (like full, full rebuilds complete with cylinder bore out)
- A fully seized rear differential
- entire timing chain replacement
- complete failure of airbag systems
- broken front defogger
- Rust issues on rear liftgate and door panels
- completely rotten exhaust system requiring full replacement
- Seized window regulators
- Transmission issues (particularly when shifting from 2nd into 3rd gear) as referenced by the dreaded "faceplate" problem online.
- Seized windshield wipers due to a design flaw (of course it happened as the wife drove home from work on a highway in a deluge requiring an emergency response when she could no longer keep going due to zero visibility).

This was all within the first 4 years of owning a vehicle we bought new.

Be careful how high you sit on your horse.

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