Projector Headlights | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Projector Headlights

Sorry, I know there are a thousand threads about the projector headlight but I was wanting some imput. Most people run HID's with them or whatever they had before but I was wanting to know how big of an improvement is the light output from these lights. I read that the low beam is the projector. How much better are these then the factory lights? Would you recommend them?

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Have you tried turning the adjusters as shown in pic #33? Are they not working?

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no not really and i might put the old adjust back in to see if that will help and are the adjusters like screws or like a type of bolt

For the led style projectors they are a bolt... no need for the old adjusters, just turn the adjusters with a wrench. Pull up to a wall and adjust :)

ok so i doing it right and for the screw to come out would be it going down right and i have the spyder auto headlights if that helps some too and i will try it tomorrow again and how long is the adjuster screw

If your headlights are seated well they should be pretty close will know right away if you are turning the adjusters the wrong direction.

in a way i cant and they shot up high though but i will get it figured out tomorrow

ok now i figured out where the adjusters all i was seeing was the high beam ones so now they adjusted

Good to see you got them aimed. Here is the pic from StraightKill showing both adjusters


  • adjust projectors.jpg
    adjust projectors.jpg
    43 KB · Views: 292

yeah i no and he just shows you the ones that go up and down the other set of screws it the left and right ones and i going to get a pair of silverstars so the heads can be alittle brighter
