Proud new 2006 owner!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Proud new 2006 owner!!


Explorin' the Desert SW
Elite Explorer
May 3, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Litchfield Park, AZ area...
Year, Model & Trim Level
2021 King Ranch 4wd 3.0T
Friday finally took delivery of my 2006 Explorer Eddie Bauer V8 4x4 luxury edition.

So far so good.

2 minor issues:
Tail gate rattle (already have service appt. tomorrow)
Touchy front passenger seatbelt and likes to engage but not release during normal driving, "traping" passenger and forcing to remove and re-apply seatbelt.


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Congrats; nice color; welcome to the forum; what is the projected fuel economy?

I've got a 2005 XLS and it had a tailgate rattle and it turned out that they just needed to put a dab of grease on the tailgate latches. It had 112 miles on it and it hasn't made the rattle since. It's got 4690 miles on it now, getting almost ready for it's 5K checkup. Enjoy that '06, they do look sweet.

Congratulations on the New Explorer and welcome to the site. :thumbsup:
As for the minor issues, Take it back to the dealer and have them fix your problems. afterall you just bought it.

That is one pretty Explorer

Thanks for the feed back, I love it too!

15-20 on the mileage with the V8

its hard to beleive that that is what are first gen boxes evolved into

Thats a very nice X you have there. Congrats. Let the moding begin! :D ;)

BTW, where's the new 2006+ forum? ;)

Those tires look tiny!!!

By the way, what did that tailgate rattle turn out to be?

hey, looks great ! Congra´s ! I´ve ordered a 2006 XLT 4x4 V8, will be delivered Jan.´06. Will be in Dark blue pearl w/ tan leather. So there´s the need for the 2006+ -forum *fg*

@NTRPRIZ : the tires are tiny ! On the XLT only a 215-size ( 8.5" ).

First mod´s on mine will be Edelbrock-mufflers and Cragar Superspoke´s ....

Buzzsaw said:
By the way, what did that tailgate rattle turn out to be?

I was advised by a contact at a Ford Explorer build plant this is a known issue that they are working on, so i will wait a little while to prevent repeated "taking apart" until the fix is known to prevent other possible new rattles.

ntrpriz said:
Those tires look tiny!!!

245/65 17's A/T's the Pathfinder does have 275's so they are little bigger than mine... but then again, my Escape had 235's... so maybe they could be a little bigger, maybe mileage was/is a concern?

here's a "neat" feature... on an 06

here's a "neat" feature... on an 06, drive with the turnsignal on down the highway for a mile to mile 1/2 and wait for the (Hey dipsh*t you forgot to turn off your signal beeping tone!)... I just had to make sure it works :confused:

My 04 has the deaf person turn signal indicator also (works good if you keep the radio up pretty loud too ;)

sweet sweet!!! good luck. hows the tranny? I LOVE the center council lever.... and the interior is sweet.

SAD!!! and MAD!!! @ my 2006 Explorer

I just bought an 06 on Monday, it had 1 mile on it. Fresh off the truck. It's already in the shop. The ABS light and the traction control light both came on. They will have my new car for 5 days (I only had it for 2). :( They are going to reprogram my computer on it. As a girl I have no idea what that involes. So just be aware!!!

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oooops!!! Sorry to hear that. I hope this doesnt become another struggle like the 02'-05' problems that never get resolved. I PERSONALLY think they should have kept the 5speed and worked all the bugs out.

So far two out of the two people on this site with the 4th gen claim a prob. Not a good start. Dont worry though.... I think you made a great buy. Keep us posted and good luck.
