Puddle Lamp LED Conversion | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Puddle Lamp LED Conversion

As some of you may know I converted all the interior lights in my X to LED. I have about 30 LED's left with resistors, so I converted my puddle lamps to LED. The Ford Five Hundreds each have 1 LED in their puddle lamps, so I used 3. All I did was cut the + wire at the bulb holder on each lamp, wire a leg of a resistor to each, then taped it up. Next I took 3 LED's per side and twisted the corresponding legs together. I put some tape on and plugged them into the bulb holder. They lit up! Put everything back together and now I've got some pretty bright puddle lamps. The first picture is the Ford Five Hundred $25 LED (RIP OFF), second is it lit up outside of the lens, third is my finished product of 3 LED's. Not too shabby!


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looks good, how much brighter is it over the stock bulbs?

MUCH brighter. Now I can actually find something if I drop it.

lol i bet, i dont even see why they bothered with whatever was stock. You cant see anything

Wow that looks great!! I would love to do that mod.

L.E.Ds are the greatest things in my opinion. Good upgrade!


What exactly is a puddle lamp? take a pic of it without i being on, but still installed.

Husky what's a five hundred?? :D Nice Job One Day I'll take on the lighting...right now it's audio :)

Where did you get all the LED's and resistors from?
