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Question About Head Swap


Elite Explorer
January 24, 2018
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‘94 Explorer
‘19 Nautilus
I’ll just use the search function to answer my questions
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if you get new heads pull the valves and look at the restriction in the valve bowl a little porting couldn't help but help try king cylinder heads if you want new..
psyou can get not torque to yield head bolts from tom morana
I think you can get arp but I couldn't find them when I had my engine apart

if you get new heads pull the valves and look at the restriction in the valve bowl a little porting couldn't help but help try king cylinder heads if you want new..
psyou can get not torque to yield head bolts from tom morana
I think you can get arp but I couldn't find them when I had my engine apart

Thanks for the heads up about Tom Morana I have an angle meter and have installed TTY bolts before in other engines but I usually try to replace those with ARP if possible.

Came across this link while searching.
Rebuilding The Ford 4.0L Pushrod V6 - Engine Builder Magazine
I was contemplating using 95TM heads, but I think I will just stick with the 93TM heads since the truck pings on the highway as it is, figure raising the comp ratio will only make that worse. And the 98TM heads have the small exh ports so that is also a bad idea.
I found what appear to be new aluminum heads but very expensive they say they are 95TM but can clearly see 98TM marked on the head in the picture.
Ford cylinder head 4 liter 1995-2000 V6 OHV Gas 95TM Aluminum 12 NA

Been searching a bunch on this site, there is so much helpful info
Thanks so much I appreciate it.

Waiting on King cylinder heads to arrive and the Fel pro SD head gaskets and bolts from Tom Morana.

Waiting on King cylinder heads to arrive and the Fel pro SD head gaskets and bolts from Tom Morana.
Wasting your money on those bolts,you can go to home depo and pick thise bolt up for much much dont need anything better than tty bolt...

Wasting your money on those bolts,you can go to home depo and pick thise bolt up for much much dont need anything better than tty bolt...

That’s true, I have used TTY bolts in the past and i’m not a huge fan of them.
The ones I am looking at are $90 I don’t think that is too outrageous they are the cheapest ones on the site. Just in case I mess something up I can remove the heads and not have to wait for TTY head bolts to arrive causing down time.

That’s true, I have used TTY bolts in the past and i’m not a huge fan of them.
The ones I am looking at are $90 I don’t think that is too outrageous they are the cheapest ones on the site. Just in case I mess something up I can remove the heads and not have to wait for TTY head bolts to arrive causing down time.
Same bolts are like $3 a piece at nut and bolt place or online. ...Toms a rip off,full of knowledge but a rip can buy 2 pinto arp head kits for half the price he sells his for (same bolts as the 4.0 arp just doesnt sell one for the ohv,it take 2 kits for the 4.0)

I ran tty head bolts on my heads with felpro SD gaskets on my 11:1 supercharged 12psi and a 50 shot nitrous. did blow the red felpro to pieces though. .both tty..i wanted the gaskets to blow before the stock bottom end did...

Here is the bolts that fit the 4.0 need 2 kits..ARP-151-4201 $200 shipped

ARP 151-4201 Ford Pinto 2000cc Inline 4 head stud kit 672036003371 | eBay

Toms sells them for $360 plus shipping
