Question for those who self-installed MFT performance upgrade | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Question for those who self-installed MFT performance upgrade


Well-Known Member
January 26, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Limited
My dealer did mine (yeah, I'm "one of those" -- UGH!), so I have a question for you guys:

When you do the self-install, does MFT perform a reflash before the install? Meaning, when the upgrade completes you have a TOTALLY NEW VIRGIN install with absolutely no carry-over settings. Or, do some of your settings carried over?


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all my stations stayed, had to repair my phones

When we did my friend's Edge, the phone stayed, the presets all stayed, the uploaded wallpapers all stayed, and his screen preferences stayed. I am not sure about the nav stuff though, because we did the downloaded update without having the new nav card. He's been out of town, and with any luck he has it today, so I will update this post with the nav stuff when the card comes in.

Edit: Not sure the nav stays, he didn't have anything saved for nav, lol.

All my stuff stayed. I performed a master reset afterwards (just cuz) and re-paired my iphone.

Thanks for the replies. All my preferences (except phone pairing and nav stuff) stayed. I'm having performance issues with the upgrade (even after a master reset) and was wondering if it might be because the dealer didn't do the upgrade the way they were supposed to do it.

My understanding was that if you brought it to the dealer, they would reflash the system first -- which wipes all preferences. Guess not.

I'll report what I'm experiencing in the bugs thread. This is SO FRUSTRATING.

