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Questions about 02 Explorer Body Lifts


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May 25, 2005
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02 Explorer
Hey Ya'll

I have an 2002 four-door, 4wd explorer and I want to know what is the best kind of body lift that is available for it. I have heard that I could use the Ranger for that year's body lift kit, but if any of ya'll know anything, please help me out! I am in deep need of some help!

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I dont think there is one available for the third gen explorer yet.. and the conventional ones wont work to my knowledge.

Nice name btw :D

Premier said:
I dont think there is one available for the third gen explorer yet.. and the conventional ones wont work to my knowledge.


why wouldn;t one fit.. nothing differnet on the body than with earlier models...
has nothing to do with any suspension parts...

are you kidding me?

why the hell hasent any one made a lift for this truck yet theve only had danm near 5 years to develop it. there has got to be something all i want is a sissy little 3" lift to gain a little ground clearance

davidmmm69 said:
why wouldn;t one fit.. nothing differnet on the body than with earlier models...
has nothing to do with any suspension parts...

Then why hasent there been any? I have seen one lifted, and it was one Rick posted that was highly modified.

here is one..


  • xz.jpg
    60.2 KB · Views: 20,851

Fantastic.. so tell me what body lift did they use? How many body mounts, is it the same as the earlier years, or are there more like the Sport trac?

I wish there was a side shot of that thing.

Hartman said:
I wish there was a side shot of that thing.

Yea....look how much frame is hanging down!

i just want to know how i lift my truck. it looks sissy if i cant lift it i think i shal paint it pink.

I'm with ya RamRod, I had my 13 year old boy measure for ground clearance on my 03 XLT and at the lowest point of that 4x4 there is only 6.5 inches at the rear by the wheels. So, just for the heck of it I had the boy get under neath the Ford Windstar and guess what we found out? You guessed it that darn mini can of mine has better ground clearance, sure wish I could get that mini can in 4x4 that way the boy could watch tv when we go duck hunting!

Low Ground Clearance in Texas

i guess i should have reasearched buying an explorer more before i baught it. it pisses me off its a good truck i just hope i can deal with another stock vehicle

I am glad I bought my 2002 in addition of my 1995.
i hae 30.6 inch tires on my 2002. and if i wanted more i would put a body lift on it.. the body lift on a 2002 can not be uch different than a 2001.

I'm not sure if the '06 shares the same frame, but here's a photos showing body mount locations.


i was searching on jc whitney and they have a body kit listed for 3d gen im going to call to make shure it fits. but speaking of tires what are the biggest tires i can put on my 02 in stock condition?

guys sorry to say but your not getting any ground clearance with a body lift... it just makes it look taller and more room to fit tires ... and fitting 32s at best id say on your 02 prolly wont get but another 1 inch off the ground with the height of the tire... this has been discussed alot and that red one rick posted looks nice but i think that its not that trail worthy... i mean the bottom of the suspension and frame cant be any more than 7.5 inches off the ground... im glad i got the 01 sport instead of the new 4 door i would have had 22s on it by now i guess.. but hey it cant hurt to buy a body lift and make sumthing work someone has to eventually to see what will happen...

Well the main reason you cant do too much on our 3G's is cause Ford in their infinite wisdom routed the rear half shafts THROUGH the damn frame! If it wernt for that then I'm positive there would be alot more out there for ours.

Agreed with Anrev, that is what limits the 3rd gen liftability, with the IRS ford added, the half shafts run through the frame. Body lifts are doable with some minor fab, but they aren't going to give you much ground clearance, save for the bigger tires. Not really worth it, I think it looks stupid to lift something and see nothing but frame rails.

Cdaddy78 said:
Agreed with Anrev, that is what limits the 3rd gen liftability, with the IRS ford added, the half shafts run through the frame. Body lifts are doable with some minor fab, but they aren't going to give you much ground clearance, save for the bigger tires. Not really worth it, I think it looks stupid to lift something and see nothing but frame rails.

true but much better ride and what they were trying to acheive was the lower center of gravity I am sure.

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davidmmm69 said:
true but much better ride and what they were trying to acheive was the lower center of gravity I am sure.

I won't knock what they did, obviously, I do have an 02. I have taken her through some pretty nasty stuff offroading and fared pretty well. But I have gotten stuck as well, and usually its my ground clearance that gets me. Good ride, feels weird offroading, like you're offroading in comfort. But for those who want to be serious wheelers and get into some real nasty stuff, the third gen is just not gonna get it done.
