questions on tire size | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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questions on tire size


Explorer Addict
March 23, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Bay Area CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
03 sport trac XLT
hey all, i wanted to get new wheels/tires for my 2003 ST XLT, (4x2). i dont do any serious off-roading, but i wanted to get some beefier AT tires and a set of black wheels. the stock wheels are 16", and i want to keep the ride of the vehicle stock, and not lift it being that its just a 4x2, but i wanted to fill the wheel wells in more than the stock wheel/tire set does. my question is how fat/tall of a tire can i run on my ST without upping the rim size, or lifting it? i think my current tires are 255/70/R16 LT. i heard that i could go as wide as 265, but can i go wider than that without ruining the ride quality? even if i can get an extra inch of tire height without lifting would be great. is it possible? im not too familiar with wheel/tire sizing, so any help with this would be really appreciated. thanks.

(lost photo)

i want to keep my ride simple so i just want to fill in the wheel wells a bit more without having to change the rim size or lifting

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Best bet would be 265/70/16, I had that size before I lifted mine and it made the Trac look beefy. One tip would be to ziptie the rear plastic inner fender well back against the frame as well as the front inner fender well jsut to keep the tires from rubbing at flex.

Also check out this tire calculator, it'll teach you alot about tire/ wheel combo.

Here's what your ST would look like with 245/75r16 (30.5x9.64) and no rub at all



What kind of tires do you have on your sport?!

awesome marcq, thanks for putting up a pic. that gives me a clear picture of what im trying to do.

@rebel - thanks for the tip, i think ill do that once i get my new wheels.

What kind of tires do you have on your sport?!

Wrangler Duratrac , the thing I like about these tires are, the aggressive look, which makes them look bigger then they are and yet giving a smooth ride, I don't hear them at all on the highway
