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My Explorer:

55 MPH……..1500 RPM
60 MPH……..1700 RPM
65 MPH………1850 RPM
70 MPH………2000 RPM

Traveling the flat part of the freeway (I-5) transmission in OD.


‘94 Ford Explorer XLT, 4dr, 4 X 4, 4.0L ohv, automatic A4LD trans, 3.27 gears (open), stock rims, 235/75R15, basically stock.

_______________________________________________________________'s a "dog" when going up a mountain......but, around town, it has enough guts.

Aloha, Mark

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Thanx for all your info!!!

When the casette break, is it juste that it have to be change or often you need a new engin???

What make the 5.0L tranny stronger then the 4.oL tranny???

And thanx for you RPM!!! and does anyone could tell me the same but with a 5.0L and with a SOHC if it's different???


Look here:

Specs are different for various pick and choose.

When the casette break, is it juste that it have to be change or often you need a new engin???

Catch it early and just change out the affected parts (or, IF you're lucky). Think....destroyed metal in your oil....humm....possible, bearing damage??? But, for some.......hey, IF you got high mileage on it........why not re-build?

What make the 5.0L tranny stronger then the 4.oL tranny???

The trans are a whole different design, between the two.

And, as for the 5.0L's a proven engine that has it's roots going way back to the 60s (maybe further back?)


That show that I was right!!! There is AWD!!! It also give me some really good info!!!

Thanx a lot!!!

And can some one tell me the difference in between: A4LD 4sp Auto, 4R55E 4sp Auto, 4R70W 4sp Auto.

A4LD 4sp Auto, 4R55E 4sp Auto, 4R70W 4sp Auto

I'm no expert.....though let me take a stab at it:

A4LD used on 1st Gen 4.0L ohv engine, has a bad reputation

4R55E used on 2nd Gen w/ 4.0L ohv engine, better than the A4LD

5R55E used on 2nd Gen w/ 4.0L sohc engine, improvement over the 4R55E (engine/trans was optional beginning in 1997)

4R70W used w/ the V8

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Aloha, Mark

If you have any more questions and it would be easier for you to understand in french, just send me a PM.

Remember, I live in canada!!! 2WD are so rare that I don't even know if there were avalable!!! But i'm 99.9% shur that the explorer 4X4 come with the AWD!!! There is a rournd button that make you select from 4X4 Lo, 4X4 hi, and 2WD that can became AWD IF the back is slipping!!!

In the V6 models it is automatic 4wd, not AWD. It would be Auto, 4x4 high, and 4x4 low. AWD has no switch, it it full time All Wheel Drive, no low range. This has been discussed on here many, many times.

I wasn't trying to be mean with short answers, but all of the questions you are asking have been asked and answered many, many times. As a regular on here I answer lots of questions like yours, its just not practical to go to in extensive detail for every answer.

Search and read and would will find many threads with tons of info. Several people have even compiled lists of useful threads. There are stickies at the top of the individual forums with useful information.

In the V6 models it is automatic 4wd, not AWD. It would be Auto, 4x4 high, and 4x4 low. AWD has no switch, it it full time All Wheel Drive, no low range. This has been discussed on here many, many times.

I wasn't trying to be mean with short answers, but all of the questions you are asking have been asked and answered many, many times. As a regular on here I answer lots of questions like yours, its just not practical to go to in extensive detail for every answer.

Search and read and would will find many threads with tons of info. Several people have even compiled lists of useful threads. There are stickies at the top of the individual forums with useful information.

Hi again!!! Ok, so we are talking of the same thing!!! It's just that most people call the 4WD full time (the one that you can ride in the street) AWD and the other 4X4 the 4WD or the 4X4!!! So by saying AWD all people know that I'm talking of 4 wheel ont the street!!! But I know that the real AWD is mostly on cars like eclipse, subaru and the new little truck!!!

And I know tha tyou didn't want to be mean!!! And I tried to do some search but when you don't know what to search, it's hard!!! I would never have ask question if there have been a sticky with most problem that you can find on that model of explorer and the link to go see the post that explan it better!!! ;)

And thanx for all the info that you gave me!!!

I have another question that I never found the answer, are the differentiel open or they can lock??? on the V6 and the V8???


Run a search for "axle codes".

My 5.0 is 3.73 limited-slip.

Hi again!!! Ok, so we are talking of the same thing!!! It's just that most people call the 4WD full time (the one that you can ride in the street) AWD and the other 4X4 the 4WD or the 4X4!!! So by saying AWD all people know that I'm talking of 4 wheel ont the street!!! But I know that the real AWD is mostly on cars like eclipse, subaru and the new little truck!!!

And I know tha tyou didn't want to be mean!!! And I tried to do some search but when you don't know what to search, it's hard!!! I would never have ask question if there have been a sticky with most problem that you can find on that model of explorer and the link to go see the post that explan it better!!! ;)

And thanx for all the info that you gave me!!!

On my explorer 99 v6 4.0 ohv my transfer case switch has three position auto, 4X4 high and 4X4 low. In my opinion, the auto 4wd position is also referred as an AWD. With the transfer case in that position it is almost impossible the front wheels will start to have power as soon as the computer detects a slip from the rear end (with the V6 it is impossible on dry pavement). I live in the city and rarely need the 4X4 except to pull out of a snow bank if I don’t make a good parking decision:roll: .

Besides that for fuel mileage, I get about 15L/100km in the city and 11L/100km on highway.

P.S.: From where in Quebec are you from, I’m from Montreal.

There is a VERY big difference between 4 Auto and AWD. AWD is engaged constantly. It is a 35/65 split front/rear. 4 Auto, like you said, only engages when a rear wheel slips. The AWD t-case is entirely mechanical, where as the 4x4 t-case is controlled by a computer. AWD is great for someone that drives primarily on the street or maybe some light off-roading. Selectable 4x4 is what you want if you do any moderate or heavy off-roading. You can effectively lock your power at 50/50.

and they do make a 4.0 v6 awd edition , i have a 1997 exp sport 5 speed 4.0 v6 that is all wheel drive from factory and i get about 22 to 24 on hwy and 17 to 19 in town ,bone stock the 5.0 is a gas guzzler in town had a 96 exp auto ,drank gas ,
