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Rack & pinion

Are the lines new?

I’d check for a bent/pinched/blocked line.

If they check out, that leaves a few possibilities:

**** quality racks
Bad pump

These systems are very simple…and getting three bad racks in a row is rare…I’d guess a damaged/blocked line or a bad pump.

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I seem to recall, some racks come with a dummy plug that looks like a valve, you remove that, and install the stock valve from old rack.

Forgive me if this is misleading.

Not on my 95, my was like Donalds shows.
Did you install the check valve? Or did one come with the Rack?
The right side ports are the inlet and outlet side. (Comes empty and plugs)
The left side ports are pre-pumb.
The Right side Lower port is the inlet port, that were the check valve goes. The high pressure line from the pump goes.
The Right side upper port is the outlet port, that were the line goes too the cooler, than too the pump.
If that is the same on 2000 I've got it backwards I've got the pump line on top the cooler line on the bottom.

If that is the same on 2000 I've got it backwards I've got the pump line on top the cooler line on the bottom.
So the high pressure go's on the bottom to the check valve is that right?

So the high pressure go's on the bottom to the check valve is that right?
1.So the high pressure go's on the bottom. YES
2. There is a check valve on that bottom port , held in place with a tab washer. ( lower port ) than the high pressure line goes on top of it .( threaded In on top of it).

1.So the high pressure go's on the bottom. YES
2. There is a check valve on that bottom port , held in place with a tab washer. ( lower port ) than the high pressure line goes on top of it .( thread I ).

You guys have been great I am so tired of crawling under this thing I'm to old for this thank you thank you.
