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Radio Question


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February 27, 2009
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2007 Explorer
I have an '07 Eddie Bauer Explorer with the factory 6 disc radio in the dash. Can I install the factory Nav unit and just add the GPS antenna or is there more needed.


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Why do that when new aftermarket units are so much better and the same price if not cheaper? Also, on an 07 you would have to install a GPS/satellite radio antenna.

I agree with FG but to answer your original question yes - all that's needed is the unit and the gps antenna (and to be sure that it's programmed for your vehicle type). The good news is that the gps antenna mounts inside of the dashboard so there's no need to mess with getting a cable outside. At one point they combined the gps and satellite antenna into the roof unit but it looks like that didn't happen until '09.

Appreciate the response.....I would rather pick up a stock unit on EBAY instead of aftermarket and my reason is that aftermarket units seem to get stolen more than the stock unit.

If you buy one off ebay - try not to pay more than you would for an inexpensive aftermarket unit. You can get an inexpensive aftermarket nav unit with bluetooth, ipod interface, and more for $500 or less. Factory nav - probably won't have bluetooth or other features that will likely be included in an aftermarket unit.

All technology ages - it is inevitable - but the factory nav units in these trucks is from the WAY back. I wouldn't pay more than a $100 for it personally.

I have an '07 Eddie Bauer Explorer with the factory 6 disc radio in the dash. Can I install the factory Nav unit and just add the GPS antenna or is there more needed.


I did just that with an '08 Mustang, and love it! With the OEM GPS you get full integration with the vehicle, and the GOS will even work when in a tunnel when it uses the vehicle speed sensor and internal angular velocity sensors to work on dead reckoning even when satellites are not visible, and can work with the factory subwoofer if you have one and will match the dash light settings. Basically plug and play, if the radio is correctly programmed for the vehicle, and as another said the GPS antenna can go under the dash....unless you have the front electric defroster with the wires in the glass.
