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Ranger front end swop?

Slush Box

Well-Known Member
June 20, 2002
City, State
Panama City, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Mazda Protegé LX
I have a question that me and a friend were pondering. Would swoping my existing front end that has torsion bars to an older ranger front end that has spindles. WOuld this be possible seeing that the Explorer pretty much is a Ranger SUV. Any help would be welcome thanks in advance.

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The old ranger is totally different than your X.

i was thinking of maybe a 1998-2001 but not sure if the 2001 Ranger has torsion bars or not.

Only the Ranger 4x4's have torsion bars.

so would maybe the front end from a 2wheel drive 2001 ranger bolt right up to my frame. Thanks for all the help this would solve my lowereing problems maybe, just a thought.

Originally posted by Johhny Island
so would maybe the front end from a 2wheel drive 2001 ranger bolt right up to my frame. Thanks for all the help this would solve my lowereing problems maybe, just a thought.

Nope. 2WD and 4WD have different frames. 2WD trucks use coil springs and 4WD have the same Torsion bar setup as your Ex.


Trust me, if it was possible it would've been done already.

Originally posted by Hartman
Trust me, if it was possible it would've been done already.

that is never.. ever ever ever ever ever.. the case.. i have disproven that point so many times it makes my head hurt... i HATE when people say that..

look.. depending on how mechanically enclined someone is, they can do ANYTHING.. my grandpa built a 32 roadster on a 91 mustang frame, he's built a corvette from the ground up, and it wins vette contests *(even though it's not techincally a vette, its a kit car.)* ive seen lifted camaros, ive watched a dodge neon get a 3.1 liter v-6, *(maybe a 3.0.. not sure about those types of cars)* ive seen a ford escort with 900 hp, *(cogsworth tuned), and the best was a ford EXCURSTION that was excatly 60 inches from the bottom of the bumper to the ground. not to mention ive seen a number of other mechanical monstrosities that would make your jaw drop.

dude.. if you have the mechanical knowhow on fabrication, you can make ANYTHING happen.

Originally posted by Limited96

that is never.. ever ever ever ever ever.. the case.. i have disproven that point so many times it makes my head hurt... i HATE when people say that..

look.. depending on how mechanically enclined someone is, they can do ANYTHING.. my grandpa built a 32 roadster on a 91 mustang frame, he's built a corvette from the ground up, and it wins vette contests *(even though it's not techincally a vette, its a kit car.)* ive seen lifted camaros, ive watched a dodge neon get a 3.1 liter v-6, *(maybe a 3.0.. not sure about those types of cars)* ive seen a ford escort with 900 hp, *(cogsworth tuned), and the best was a ford EXCURSTION that was excatly 60 inches from the bottom of the bumper to the ground. not to mention ive seen a number of other mechanical monstrosities that would make your jaw drop.

dude.. if you have the mechanical knowhow on fabrication, you can make ANYTHING happen.

He's exactly right. If you know the right people and have enough money, you really can do anything.
