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Rausch Creek May 3

What did you break SuRrEaLNJ?

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bents more the apropriate word, but its taken me a long time to be able to say "i broke it"

somewhere along the line i bent the radius arm crossmember

Heres a few of my pics. I had a blast. Sorry I only met one of ya out on the trail.





Man, what a great weekend :) Rusty, sorry we missed you, I kinda dropped the ball on that one by forgetting to get your phone # before we went, sorry!! Iggy, hey- at least I got to see you, lol. Thank you Ben for covering the rooms. Tim, it was cool to meet you and your boy... sorry I didn't get to say goodbye to you guys. Iz, thank you for bringing the foodstuffs and plates and napkins- you should have stayed to enjoy Adam's amazing cheesy brats! Adam, it's mandatory: you have to bring those suckers on every run from now on LOL :D ;)

I'm really impressed that none of us suffered any difficult-to-repair damage this time. My clutch started smoking on Tombstone and I need a new PS box (AND SHOCKS! Holy cats do I need shocks!!!! :bounce: ); Adam's tie rod looked like a twizzler.. much like Jay's X-member; one of Micah's U-Joints took a dump late in the day Sunday but never actually broke; and of course Jake's radiator doesn't like him anymore.

I dunno what the hell is up with our damn board, but the photo upload is not getting fixed fast enough for someone who's stuck at work until 9pm and bored out of her mind, so I'm going to post a few pics as attachments at least :p:

Btw, Carlisle's in less than a month!!!!! Get your butts ready! :)


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adam, I saw alot of talk in your SAS thread about a cardone pump. I think spas would benefit from that info since I think this is her 3rd PS pump?

are there any pics from jakes first butt clencher?

Cardone pump...? Hmm. Actually, Micah- this is Morgan's original pump but it definitely howls in cold weather. It's my year old re-man BOX that is giving me problems now :( Hard to turn when you're on the gas :eek: Jake said something about a Saginaw box that's considerably stronger for the same price as an OE pump, and it bolts in the same.

Yeah, gimmie a second and I'll attach some more...

This one makes me laugh: it looks like Morgan's about to eat you :D


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Cardone pump...? Hmm. Actually, Micah- this is Morgan's original pump but it definitely howls in cold weather. It's my year old re-man BOX that is giving me problems now :( Hard to turn when you're on the gas :eek: Jake said something about a Saginaw box that's considerably stronger for the same price as an OE pump, and it bolts in the same.


Here is the link from the RRORC forum. The part number is in there somewhere. Since your rig keeps trying to be like mine and I didn't have any problems with my swap, it should be a direct swap for you Spas. You will also need to get the right high pressure hose to go with the pump. The pump connection is different. You should be ok on the box side of things, but I'm not 100% sure.

Nice pics guys, keep um comin!

Linds, i NEED the full size of that firs pic if you can :bounce:


I'll email it to you, Jay :)

Here's a few more, all of which will be re-uploaded to my photo gallery as soon as SOMEONE fixes the damn upload part of the site. Damn stupid bots hogging our server :mad:


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.........munk lover! :D


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I still think you should have let Micah surf the parking lot, Jake ;)


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Looks like y'all had fun. Unfortunately we were busy helping the mother-in-law get into her "new" house. :banghead:

Both of us would have rather been wheeling....

Definately a good run.. It was priceless to see Micah's reaction to Skunk showing up. Jeff come on admit it, you enjoyed moving in your mother in law. I swear if they have a XL pink shirt at RC I will go psychotic on everyone.

..... Jeff come on admit it, you enjoyed moving in your mother in law....

A root canal with no anesthesia would have been more fun....:( It was a very taxing weekend....Both Sue and I were mentally fried (more than normal)....

A root canal with no anesthesia would have been more fun....:( It was a very taxing weekend....Both Sue and I were mentally fried (more than normal)....

I'm gonna hold my comments to myself. :D

Glad to see that my old rig still keeps keeping on. Obviously alot different in shape that when I had it. I still try to follow all old threads which pertain to the east coast runs. If only the Xterra community were as strong. Doesn't help that I typically have a 64 hour work week with graduate school thrown in there to boot. I'd love to see how my new truck compares.

fun stuff!

Well... first off.. Spas, Izwack, Jake and the other guys in the black explorer.. it was nice to meet you saturday morning. sorry we didnt hook up and wheel together i saw Jakes ex in the parking lot and i figured something happened.
We headed for lake Christy right off the bat which turned out to be a mistake. Should have saved it for the end!

Overall it was a great day! The fog was ridiculous and it was kind of cool all day but it was alot of fun.

I didnt represent the explorers this weekend but i took out my cherokee. It was Myself, my cousin and a good friend in 3 cherokees and some kid that tagged along in a toyota. This trip we broke the most stuff ever on out of all the trips we have been on.

On the way up one of the guys towing caught some stuff in the bed of his truck on fire as we were headed up 81 due to his stacks in the bed and mulch underneath of the stacks! great idea!:rolleyes:

Like i sid we headed for ake Christy and ended up circling it and hitting some crazy hills on the edges of it which were pretty fun but lead to the first problem of the day and my first big break ever! After i didn one of the harder portions i jumped out to watch the toyota and my cousin go through and do some video taping, and i left my jeep running. We came back 15 minutes later to my engine smoking and overheating. Ended up cracking a coolant hose (no biggie) fixed that then as i was refilling it it began foaming through the radiator which (as i found out from my friends) means i blew the head gasket!:mad: Decided to keep going till it blew up!

We finally got down in to the lake are and played around. My friend Jared decided to try and climb out one of the steep rocky hills with a pretty good sized cliff at the top. About 10 feet from the top he hit a huge rock and broke the bolts off in the yoke for his rear driveshaft.
This pretty much crippled him for the rest of the day.

O and the annoying kid in the toyota that tagged along with us didnt think before acting and headed straight for the lake and sunk his yota. after pulling it out he found water int he oil and other problems and also found out later he fried the computer. This ended his day!

We headed back to the trucks about 1:00 and dropped off the yota and the cherokee with the borken driveshaft. Then we heded for the comp course and played around.

We later on headed for some more trails. We hit "winch hill" with no winches and my little cherokee on 31's made it up after on ly about 14 tries. we then headed for west property and ran 15 i think into 10 or 13 something.. it was a blue black and we saw a brand new jk rubi where a guy ran smack dab into a stump.. and they were trying to hilift it ... as we were going by we reminded him he could try Reverse!?!?:rolleyes:

Anyways we ended up at Smoothie! I sunk my jeep and it stalled had to get pulled out.. then my cousin on 35's went in and got stuck ... in the process of trying to get out and me pulling him out.. he broke the driverside outer axle shaft right where the u joint goes. decided to head back after this one!
Called it a day! Over all it was awesome! Loved it!

Short version Carnage report:
Yota- blown engine/ fried computer
My cherokee- Head gasket- but continued to run the rest of the day w/o getting too hot!
My friends cherokee- Rear driveshaft/yoke
My cousins cherokee- Front Driverside axleshaft

Can't wait till the next time i can get down.. hopefully in my explorer!!!
Nice to meet you and sorry again for not getting to spend more time with you guys/gals!
here is a few pics.. trying to find best way to upload these and the videos... bear with me!


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