Rear Mirror Auto Dimmer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Mirror Auto Dimmer


Explorer Addict
January 18, 2007
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Explorer, 94 XLT (RIP)
I searched here and in the owners manual, but I can't figure out how to know if the auto dimmer mirror is working.

The green light is on, but there doesn't seem to be any obvious sign that anything is happening.

How do I know if this is working (or not)?


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On the bottom of the mirrior you will see a sensor just shine a flashlight on it and you should see it turn glass turn green but I have found out that with tinted windows you dont see it work much

On the bottom of the mirrior you will see a sensor just shine a flashlight on it and you should see it turn glass turn green but I have found out that with tinted windows you dont see it work much

Mine only works with the brightest lights. The one in my old Blazer worked way better.

Maybe its just me but I dont even dim my rear mirror because it doesnt bother me. I know the auto dimmers in Toyota/Lexus work great.

Thanks guys. It's probably working, just isn't obvious. The tinted windows probably help too.

