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Rear Seats Stuck & Wont Fold Down


New Member
January 12, 2003
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City, State
Baltimore, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 XLT
Hi everyone,

I've been all over this message board and some others and cannot find a solution to why the rear seats behind the passenger seat are stuck. A few other members here have posted the same problem...Can anybody help???

1995 XLT


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Never heard of that one before. It's possible the latch lever is broken or the hinges are rusted, but in a vehicle that new, I wouldn't suspect rust.

Dumb question for ya, you did pull the lever didn't ya?? :confused:

BTW, welcome to the board!

Ya I did push the lever....and thanks this forum is great!

Check the parts of the levers to make sure they are not binding on anything. If they don't move smoothly it's possible it's either broken or needs lubed.

Try pushing back on the top of the seat while pushing down on the lever.

Hey guys,

I'll try out your suggestions and let you know what happens....God knows I've tried forcing it, sweet talking it but nothing has worked so far.

Mine is recently stuck too... the seat behind the driver works fine but I can't get the passenger side to fold down... I've tried probably everything but what would get it to work :(

Well our friend Bill Kemp from the board is trying to help me out with this one. He found a post that helped him fix his. He's gonna try to remember what he did and email it to me. I'll post the fix if it works...

I got this post from Bill...Check it out and see if it fixes your seat problems too...

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