Rear sensing speaker location needed | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear sensing speaker location needed


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March 16, 2024
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2012 Ford Explorer XLT
2012 XLT Explorer

Hi - I'm looking for the location of the $15 rear sensing speaker. I've looked behind both rear panels behind the middle seat and under the dash. Could someone who know's more about this than me tell me whenre I can find it? I've looked on so many forums and online so many other places, but obviously haven't found the right one yet. Thanks in advance!


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Welcome to the forum!

Can you elaborate? What is a "$15 rear sensing speaker" and why do you need to find it?

The only thing I can think of that you might be referring to is the rear quarter panel speaker, AKA D-pillar speaker.
I have attached a PDF showing the disassembly sequence to access it in the rear right quarter panel.


  • Rear Quarter Panel Speaker.pdf
    218.8 KB · Views: 23

2012 XLT Explorer

Hi - I'm looking for the location of the $15 rear sensing speaker. I've looked behind both rear panels behind the middle seat and under the dash. Could someone who know's more about this than me tell me whenre I can find it? I've looked on so many forums and online so many other places, but obviously haven't found the right one yet. Thanks in advance!

It's for the reverse sensing when you back up and it makes the beeping sound. The sensors on the bumper work and everything works as it should, but there is no sound when you get too close to an item while in reverse.

Welcome to the forum!

Can you elaborate? What is a "$15 rear sensing speaker" and why do you need to find it?

The only thing I can think of that you might be referring to is the rear quarter panel speaker, AKA D-pillar speaker.
I have attached a PDF showing the disassembly sequence to access it in the rear right quarter panel.
Thank you for this, but I dont think it's what I'm looking for see post above for the details.

It's sent through the rear door speakers. There is also an IPC speaker in case the door speakers don't work. It will also use the IPC speaker when you put after market amps in and they don't have the circuit for the car to recognize there are speakers connected. Lastly, you can turn on an override through forscan to make it always come through the IPC.

How long how you owned it? Did it previously make this sound and has now stopped? I'm wondering if the sound is just disabled in the Information Display menu.

How long how you owned it? Did it previously make this sound and has now stopped? I'm wondering if the sound is just disabled in the Information Display menu.
I just explained it. You can't change where the sound comes out without Forscan. If your sound stopped, then the reverse sensing system may not be working. What does it show on the backup camera display? Is that operating? You know, green, yellow, red when you get closer to things?

I just explained it. You can't change where the sound comes out without Forscan. If your sound stopped, then the reverse sensing system may not be working. What does it show on the backup camera display? Is that operating? You know, green, yellow, red when you get closer to things?
There is supposed to be a setting in Information Display to disable it, whether that just turns the sound off or more, IDK. I also don't know if it applies to *all* model years. Check the owner's manual for that model year.

There is supposed to be a setting in Information Display to disable it, whether that just turns the sound off or more, IDK. I also don't know if it applies to *all* model years. Check the owner's manual for that model year.
I have no idea what you're talking about. You can shut off the reverse sensing alert system on a one-time basis every time you start the car. Is English not your native language?

Thank you for this, but I dont think it's what I'm looking for see post above for the details.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Have you confirmed that the rear sensors have not been turned OFF? And as Whey Cooler asked, is the camera displaying all the lines it should?


Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Have you confirmed that the rear sensors have not been turned OFF? And as Whey Cooler asked, is the camera displaying all the lines it should?

How do I know if they've been turned off? I still hear the ticking from all four sensors when I put my ear up to the rear bumper.
Yes, the camera still shows the progress towards the obstruction via the green, yellow and red markings. I'm trying to find out why everything works like it should, except the sound.

How do I know if they've been turned off? I still hear the ticking from all four sensors when I put my ear up to the rear bumper.
Yes, the camera still shows the progress towards the obstruction via the green, yellow and red markings. I'm trying to find out why everything works like it should, except the sound.
Every time you start the car the system resets and you have to mute it through the IPC. I have no idea what you are hearing from the bumper.

How do I know if they've been turned off? I still hear the ticking from all four sensors when I put my ear up to the rear bumper.
Yes, the camera still shows the progress towards the obstruction via the green, yellow and red markings. I'm trying to find out why everything works like it should, except the sound.
I believe it is in the settings or one of the options on the screen. The manual should mentioned it.


Every time you start the car the system resets and you have to mute it through the IPC. I have no idea what you are hearing from the bumper.
It is still useful to check that menu because in "some" cases of a fault, it will show neither enabled or disabled.

Ultimately, a scan tool capable of ford specific codes should be hooked up to see if a fault code was set. It can have a fault, yet not generate an error message to the driver. If there is no fault code indicated, it could be as simple as the speaker failing. That should *never* happen, meaning a basic speaker should outlast the vehicle, and yet, youtube videos are proof that they fail.

Attached PDF shows one possible location of the speaker, in the dash under the steering column. 2nd PDF, troubleshooting the parking aid circuits. If it is the speaker itself at fault, multimeter resistance with it disconnected should show infinite/open-circuit, and voltage on the harness connector when it should be beeping.


  • Parking Aid Speaker.pdf
    270.5 KB · Views: 24
  • Parking.pdf
    330.7 KB · Views: 23

It is still useful to check that menu because in "some" cases of a fault, it will show neither enabled or disabled.

Ultimately, a scan tool capable of ford specific codes should be hooked up to see if a fault code was set. It can have a fault, yet not generate an error message to the driver. If there is no fault code indicated, it could be as simple as the speaker failing. That should *never* happen, meaning a basic speaker should outlast the vehicle, and yet, youtube videos are proof that they fail.

Attached PDF shows one possible location of the speaker, in the dash under the steering column. 2nd PDF, troubleshooting the parking aid circuits. If it is the speaker itself at fault, multimeter resistance with it disconnected should show infinite/open-circuit, and voltage on the harness connector when it should be beeping.
Yes. If the sound system fails, it will default to the dash speaker. Like I said, if you put in aftermarket amps and retain the stock head unit, the amps have to send a signal to let the car know if you have speakers hooked up or not. If you don't do this it will ALWAYS come from the IPC.
