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Rear Shock Length Question

Are your mounts outside/even/inside compared to the rear sway bar mounts? I found that the sway bar mounts on the explorer axle are the exact places the shocks would go on the ranger. How far hanging off the axle are your lower mounts? If you move them tight to the axle it will allow for a little more length

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Are your mounts outside/even/inside compared to the rear sway bar mounts? I found that the sway bar mounts on the explorer axle are the exact places the shocks would go on the ranger. How far hanging off the axle are your lower mounts? If you move them tight to the axle it will allow for a little more length

I cut off the sway bar mounts before welding the shock mounts on. I will have to go look to see where the shock mounts are.

What do you mean by "hanging off the axle"? Are you talking about the distance from the axle to the shock mounting bolt? The mounts I have are about the same length as a stock Ranger mount.

What do you mean by "hanging off the axle"? Are you talking about the distance from the axle to the shock mounting bolt? The mounts I have are about the same length as a stock Ranger mount.

Yeah that's what I'm talking about. I did the same setup with mine hoping to help with axle wrap. If you change it to where the shock mounts closer to the axle that will give you added length without lowering the mount. If you move it in towards the axle 2" you will gain almost an 1" for shock length.

Yeah that's what I'm talking about. I did the same setup with mine hoping to help with axle wrap. If you change it to where the shock mounts closer to the axle that will give you added length without lowering the mount. If you move it in towards the axle 2" you will gain almost an 1" for shock length.

I see - keep the bottom of the shock even (not below) the axle, just move it closer to the axle.

I will keep that in mind.

Not sure what kind of shocks you are searching for but stock length shocks for a 2008 F250 4wd have a total length of between 29 and 30 inches depending on the manufacturer and most have 12" of travel. I believe around 17.5" at full stuffed. I bought some cheap shocks on amazon to test my travel before I spent my $$$ on better shocks.

This. IMO droop travel is over-rated. I figure, if it's drooping, there's no weight on that corner. If there's no weight, how much traction would you really be getting if you drooped enough to have ground contact.

I have the same situation. I turned up the lower mounts years ago.

I have more droop that up travel. I agree with the traction issue, but after the truck comes up it has alot more time to "catch" the ass end on the way down to lighten the blow. I set mine up like this to keep a low ride height.
