Reborn Ex owner with a 4x4 auto question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Reborn Ex owner with a 4x4 auto question

January 24, 2006
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2006 XLS 4x4
Hello all; I used to be on this site with an '01 Ex Sport 4x2... Traded that in and was driving a Jeep Grand Cherokee with QuadraTrac (didnt like it much) and then a Rav4 for awhile that I hated and ended up recently in a 2006 Ex XLS 4x4 which im thrilled with now. This is the first 4x4 Explorer I've ever had and I just have a question about how the 4x4 auto differs from the 4x4 HIGH (other than the fact that auto isn't always engaged).

In auto there are a series of ratcheting sounds and clunks when it engages; all normal according to the manual. When I press the HIGH button the light comes on and the 4x4 engages silently with the exception of a lil noise from the front drive shaft turning.

How does the mechanical operation of the auto differ from the HIGH button? Does the auto mode allow the two axels to turn at different speeds and thats why it makes more noise? I found a thread in the tranny/t-case section but it didn't really answer my question perfectly.

Everything works great otherwise! I just like to know how things work.

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If you hear it engaging and it is noisy that is because the drivetrain is under a load. My buddy's Mountaineer was noisy where my Explorer is quiet in the auto mode. Probably not much to worry about but let's see what everybody else has to say.

Yep, sounds normal. Mine is the same. 4x4 high engages basically silently, and when 4x4 auto engages it's a bit noiser and clunkier (if that's a word,) because like A Wise said, the drivetrain is under load.

Huh. Weird that High is quieter under similar or greater load. Thanks!

i got a question when i press the 4x4 auto button, the light doesnt show on the instrument panel is this normal?

i got a question when i press the 4x4 auto button, the light doesnt show on the instrument panel is this normal?

Yes, that's normal... there is no 2WD only mode

ok cool i got alittle bet worried from what this guy was saying, thanks alot feetwet

ok cool i got alittle bet worried from what this guy was saying, thanks alot feetwet

Rusty quit worrying about what people say. If you have an owner's manual, read it, if not you can download PDF versions from the Motorcraft website. They have a wealth of correct information in them.

Happy New and congrats on the new 06 Explorer 4x4.

I just got my 07 Eddie Bauer 4x4 a few months ago and I've heard the loud clunks 2 times when under load and turning at the same time in auto mode.
