Removing road tar? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Removing road tar?

Today I drove through a construction zone where asphalt work was being done. It was nice that they put up construction or detour signs allowing me to go a different way </sarcasm>. Anyway, I drove through the fresh oil and got the hot asphalt on the left side tires. The left side doesn't look bad, but the right side has the oily tar all over it, and doesn't want to come off. I've tried bug and tar remover to no avail. My Flowmaster exhaust tip is covered in the gunk and none of it will come off. My next step is a clay bar. Anyone else had to remove this stuff before?

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Gas-soaked rag;
Bucked with high concentration of car soap and water;
Old wash mitt


Gas will dilute tar. However, you don't want to go touching hot surfaces, etc. with the rag. Make sure the vehicle is cold and wipe gently. Follow by washing the areas you wiped with the car wash soap and then rinsing thoroughly. You'll need to rewax those areas, too.

There are products out there that claim to remove tar and grease, but I've found a little gas on a rag is the best way for me.

What Adam said, straight gas on a rag rules for tar

WD-40 works very well...believe it or not....Give it a try and you will be surprised and pleased with the RESULTS! :thumbsup:

I actually went to Checker and bought a product called Tarminator. It is in an aerosol can made by Stoner. I sprayed it on the tar, and it simply melted off! I was mighty impressed!
