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Replacement radio


New Member
June 8, 2010
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City, State
Indianapolis, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'04 Limited
I have a 2004 explorer limited. Anyone know if I can replace the 6 disc CD player with a different stock CD player (preferably one with a tape deck)? I have steering wheel controls and a factory sub-woofer as well that I don't want to lose.

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I don't know, but did you search in the Audio section of this site?


Then your best bet is to stick with a stock OEM deck. Aftermarket HUs don't take kindly to all your stock gear's setup... EBAY!!!

but what OEM stereos are compatible with my vehicle? Or how would i find that out?

I think your best bet would be to find a used or refurbished Ford deck. If you poke around the Forum you could probably find a list of possible replacements. All I know is that if you want to keep all of your stock components working, it's very difficult or not possible with aftermarket decks...

So your basically looking to add a single cd w/ tape player to your vehicle? I don't think that sound be too hard to find. Did your old deck crap out?

You will, unfortunately, be limited to what decks were available with the grey "phase 2" plugs, since that is what your vehicle has. You will also be limited to the radios that fit the double-din opening, which is sadly a select few when it comes to those utilizing the "phase 2" plugs instead of the black "T100" plugs. I have found one deck that would theoretically work, however it lacks the subwoofer plug of the Audiophile system:

Check these sites for a reference of what stereos have what plugs for what years:


And it's reasons like this that I've decided to rip almost everything out! It's nice to have options...
