replacing 3rd gen speakers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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replacing 3rd gen speakers


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2002
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 XLT 4x4 4.0
Can anyone give me some tips on replacing the stock speakers. Do I have to remove the whole door panel to get to the speakers like on my old 2nd gen? Is it much harder with the new door handle/lock location? Just knowing where any screws are hidden or the dissasembly order would be very helpful.

I haven't decided yet if I want to go with 2-ways or maybe switch to components and install a tweeter up by the side mirrors. Obviously the latter is more difficult.


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I would say its easier than second gens.There are 2 screws at the bottom of the door panel. remove those. Then pry off the plastic covering around the door handle. Pull off the panel with the window and lock buttons. There is a 3rd screw behind there. Take it out. Door panel then just pulls up and off. Dont forget to disconnect the witing harness for the mirrors, locks and windows! I went slow with the first panel and it took about 30 minutes. After I knew what I was doing, the other three doors only took me about 10 minutes each to remove, replace speaker, and button everything up.My 2005 did not have any of the pry off plastic clip things that like to break.

Tweeters up top would be real easy with this generation.



did you put in tweeters? Want to replace my stocks and thinking about tweeters

Nope. I went with pioneer 4 ways up front and 3 ways in the back. 6 x 8. Fit was perfect. If I decided to go with an amp I probably would have done it. There is plenty of room and with the door panel off its real easy.

there is room behind the doors for an amp? I want to go with POLK MOMO 6x8, my plan was to mount the amp uunder the second row of seats so I could just flip it up to get to it, but if there is room in the door????

I don't think he was talking about putting an amp in the door. He was saying there is plenty of room to install a tweeter.

Under the back seats would certainly be the the choice location for an amp.

I think I am going to replace the HU and install some components in the front doors and some 2-ways in the rear doors. I am going to try it out using factory wiring and no amp at first. This allows me to avoid rewiring and running wires from the HU to the back seat and back to the speakers which is much more of a project. But if later I decide to upgrade my equipment will support it.


I dont think you could get an amo in there. A little cutting with the sawzall and someone more industrious than me might be able to put a small one in. Id never try it though.

If I get an amp, it would be behind the pocket in back for a sub, or under the dash some where for the 4 mains.

I hate stuff on my floor.

