replacing driver's side mirror | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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replacing driver's side mirror


New Member
February 19, 2001
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City, State
San Francisco, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 XLT 4x4
Hi, I'm looking for some guidance in replacing the driver's side mirror on my '95 XLT.

Some knucklehead smashed it so badly it broke not only the glass but also the electric motor. Is replacing it pretty easy to do? I'd like to take care of it myself.

I was quoted $177 w/out tax for a mirror from a dealer and that is also w/out labor. That seems a little steep.

Any suggestions?

thanks in advance,

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Why no simply file an insurance claim?

I got mine replaced at my local ford dealer for 300 dollars. Try FordPartsNetwork. But be sure if you buy it through them you click the link from this site. (Its one of the banners at the top) that way rick gets some money from it.

Replace it yourself...

I would buy it then do it yourself. My wife had knocked ours on the garage opening. I called around and finally decided to go with an aftermarket mirror assembly from a local salvage yard. They order aftermarket parts as replacements. I got it for $65 or so. I know factory is better but the money was tight at the time and I needed to replace it. I had though of getting a new one with a puddle light in it, but that was another $30+ and would have involved wiring it to the dome light circuit.

To replace it is very simple. Only tools needed are a phillips screwdrive, 10 MM (if memory servers me right) deep socket and rachet and a door panel tool. It should only take you about 30 minutes tops to replace it. Just remove the door panel, then the old mirror, put the new mirror and replace the panel. If I lived anywhere near I would offer to do it for nothing just to help out. Good luck on what ever you decide to do.
