Replacing fuel filler hose ...need to drop tank? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Replacing fuel filler hose ...need to drop tank?


Explorer Addict
December 28, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Orange county, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Explorer 4X 4.0 ohv
Is replacing fuel filler hose doable without dropping / lowering the tank? (Metal filler tube appears to be good and I'll probably leave / keep original vapor line/hose intact) just want to replace hose.... (smell fuel leak when off-roading up / down steep hills.)
Just remove wheel for better access and squeeze hand in there ....?

'95 model

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Edit: On my '98, I can get the filler tube rubber hose off the tank without even taking the wheel off, just wiggling under there with pliers or a wrench, I forget which clamp type it uses. I'm wrong about a '95, see reply below by Pete.

IDK about getting it off the filler tube itself so I do think having it jacked up with the wheel off couldn't hurt. Your '95 tank appears to be pretty much the same if not identical to that on my '98 as far as the filler tube and vent tube hose nipple locations.

Can't think of any reason where it would be any easier with the tank lowered.

Is replacing fuel filler hose doable without dropping / lowering the tank? (Metal filler tube appears to be good and I'll probably leave / keep original vapor line/hose intact) just want to replace hose.... (smell fuel leak when off-roading up / down steep hills.)
Just remove wheel for better access and squeeze hand in there ....?

'95 model
I don't understand , which hoses you have a problem with?
Just a note :my gas fill hose and 3/4 vent hose, where rusted on the neck of the fuel tank.
1. For our filler hoses on our tank, They uses a green clip, too hold the hose in place.
2. First you need too twisted the hose connector at the tank , too get the release, then squeeze the green connector then pull off. If they can twist back on fore, then it can be removed.
3. The will Guess it vapor line that is rusted out.
The vapor line goes from the tank too the canister via the frame rail wheel well area. and from front too back.
up Front, the vapor line was rusted out too the purge valve.
4. What I did, when welding in the gas filler area. I wrap the filler hoses in plastic wrap( no fumes) before cutting and welding

Is replacing fuel filler hose doable without dropping / lowering the tank? (Metal filler tube appears to be good and I'll probably leave / keep original vapor line/hose intact) just want to replace hose.... (smell fuel leak when off-roading up / down steep hills.)
Just remove wheel for better access and squeeze hand in there ....?

'95 model
note: you can't drop the tank, if you can't remove the filler hose and overflow hose.
Also plan on replacing the tank strap. My was rusted out.

On my '98, I can get the filler tube rubber hose off the tank without even taking the wheel off, just wiggling under there with pliers or a wrench, I forget which clamp type it uses. IDK about getting it off the filler tube itself so I do think having it jacked up with the wheel off couldn't hurt. Your '95 tank appears to be pretty much the same if not identical to that on my '98 as far as the filler tube and vent tube hose nipple locations.

Can't think of any reason where it would be any easier with the tank lowered.
The 95 filler hose connection are different . they uses a quick connector

The 95 filler hose connection are different . they uses a quick connector
Thanks Pete...yeah I had read about that... heard they can be a little tricky to get them to release sometimes

Thanks Pete...yeah I had read about that... heard they can be a little tricky to get them to release sometimes
I had too cut off the tank nipple too get the tank down.
But where you live , do have any rust?
The screws in the filler cap area, one screw on pipe center too the body. And twisted the connection first then squeeze the green connector. And pull off.
If your vapor line is bad. You would uses the copper nickel 1/2 tube. Easy too uses.

Smell could be a stuck canister purge solenoid
Charcoal canisters also get saturated and need replacing

The 95 filler hose connection are different . they uses a quick connector
These are the connection
The 95 filler hose connection are different . they uses a quick connector



That's over kill
I'd just install the correct size hoses
I could measure them for you if you like Diameter wise

That's over kill
I'd just install the correct size hoses
I could measure them for you if you like Diameter wise
That is the standard connection from the factory on the 95. Those connectors ( not those) was rusted too the tank nipples.

Yeah that seems crazy for a non-pressurized connection. I wonder if Ford got enough complaints that they saw the error in their ways and switched it back to a normal hose connection by '98.

I doubt that slipping a standard hose on there with a clamp on it, would ever come off by itself, though there's still the issue of getting the old one off in the first place.... AND, since you're in CA, I wonder if a cranky emissions inspector would fail that.

Smell could be a stuck canister purge solenoid
Charcoal canisters also get saturated and need replacing
UPDATE /\ > WELL FOLKS...finally got around to investigating this...jacked up / removed wheel ...and the problem is what 410 / Jamie stated in above quotes. Thanks Jamie !
After observing every inch of the fuel filler tube / vapor tube and them both being bone dry I raised my head / nose up near the charcoal canister and it REEKS OF FUEL, bingo!, source of strong fuel odor. Very happy it's that / and or purge solenoid...much easier to replace / deal with then the '95 filler tube setup. This sits way in the back so I don't even have to jack up vehicle to replace / fiddle with. And I don't have my spare down there in the way anymore...
Thanks for everyone's input. I also just self-diagnosed a health problem today...which will be relaying to Dr. tomorrow... I'm on a roll ! :confused::rolleyes:;)

D t
UPDATE /\ > WELL FOLKS...finally got around to investigating this...jacked up / removed wheel ...and the problem is what 410 / Jamie stated in above quotes. Thanks Jamie !
After observing every inch of the fuel filler tube / vapor tube and them both being bone dry I raised my head / nose up near the charcoal canister and it REEKS OF FUEL, bingo!, source of strong fuel odor. Very happy it's that / and or purge solenoid...much easier to replace / deal with then the '95 filler tube setup. This sits way in the back so I don't even have to jack up vehicle to replace / fiddle with. And I don't have my spare down there in the way anymore...
Thanks for everyone's input. I also just self-diagnosed a health problem today...which will be relaying to Dr. tomorrow... I'm on a roll ! :confused::rolleyes:;)
Did the purge valve nipples break?
Did the purge valve body break?
Or was it the electrical solenoid?

/\ I was just under there to find / confirm source of fuel odor.... I don't have any code for purge valve issue but I don't trust the old OBD1 to always pick things up, might just replace the valve and if no improvement replace charcoal filtration unit. Of course for consideration is the vapor vent valve on top of the tank near the fuel pump....sure glad I made my access panel for that!

/\ I was just under there to find / confirm source of fuel odor.... I don't have any code for purge valve issue but I don't trust the old OBD1 to always pick things up, might just replace the valve and if no improvement replace charcoal filtration unit. Of course for consideration is the vapor vent valve on top of the tank near the fuel pump....sure glad I made my access panel for that!
You stated you found the cause of the fumes?
But you are shooting the parts cannon!

Good visual inspection, save you some time and $$$
