Replacing Valve cover gaskets and Oil pan Gaskets?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Replacing Valve cover gaskets and Oil pan Gaskets??


May 24, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
Jackson NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer Sport
Ok, Just joined site tonight and have not had a chance to do my searches (and I will) but my time is limited and I hope you understand. I posted in new member section and it will give you a little more backround on where I am coming from. I purchased my daughter a 2000 Ford Explorer Sport with a 4.0L SOHC and have noticed many problems. So here I am 2 days after her birthday, she has her license, and i am hiding her present in local fire dept parking lot until I feel the car is ready to give as a present.
So my question for the day is how hard is it to change valve cover gaskets and oil pan gasket?
I looked through repair manual and oil pan seems easy enough, but since manual covers so many years and engine variations its hard to be sure.
Now I understand that valve cover gaskets will require more time removing intake and such.
I am just looking for any help, tips, or advice to undertaking these repairs myself.

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removing upper intake manifold

To replace the valve covers it is necessary to remove the upper intake manifold. This thread may help: Starting my 00M12 Installation

Are you sure the valve cover gaskets are leaking? The OEM ones hold up pretty well as does the oil pan gasket.

Thanks for reply. As stated I purchased the truck as a present for my daughter, and after one day the check engine light came on. I brought it to my local mechanic who pointed out many of the same problems that I also noticed. I had noticed oil dripping on the exhaust and upon inspection she pointed out that there was an oil pan leak and a valve cover leak. She said the valve cover leak was the worse of the two. She also told me that the truck could still be driven and after learning the cost would be 800+ to fix both I agreed. But in all honesty, I would like to fix the leaks but just sont have that kind of money. I am on vacation this week and figured that maybe if not too complicated I could tackle the problem myself. I was wondering about the oil pan change and if i needed to lift engine in order to replace?
Thanks again

As far as the valve cover leaking, I've found that
the cover bolts tend to loosen over time and
cause the gasket to leak. I've tightened mine
twice now to stop leaks, and the next time I will
remove the bolts and apply a drop of thread-lock.

You might try snugging up the bolts in both the
valve covers and oil pan. If you're lucky that'll
stop the leaks.

I've also had to do the same thing with the
transmission pan. I always torque them carefully
after servicing, but they will loosen after about
20-30K miles. (Or maybe the gasket shrinks?)

Your daughter should love that Sport.
IMHO that's the best looking model year.

Thanks for the tips, I will try to see if maybe just tightening bolts will help the leaks.
