Replacing voltage regulator rather than entire alternator: Did I decide correctly? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Replacing voltage regulator rather than entire alternator: Did I decide correctly?

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Does anyone know a source where you can get the alternator bearings? A part number or size would be nice to.

If you need to replace a bearing, take it out and measure it. It may also have a part number on it you can cross reference.


I promise to post here if and when the repair fails.

5 years and approximately 40k miles later the alternator is still performing perfectly. The regulator was apparently all it needed.

Regulator failures are common - they don't like engine heat that much... Since you also replaced the brushes (a wear item), your alternator should be good for another 50K - which is probably more than the $75 "reman" will last.
