Resticking Lifter? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Resticking Lifter?


Well-Known Member
April 2, 2017
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97 Mountaineer 302 AWD
Ever since we got the Mountaineer it's had lifter tick on the drivers side. I've confirmed that it isn't an exhaust leak. After switching to Mobile1 plus some MMO it's a little better but ...

At startup/idle she ticks lightly - Gets loud but only under load - If I give her one hard rev to redline she stops ticking and will stay quiet - Comes back EVERYTIME after I shut her down ...

I've had lifters stick but never so bad that it comes back everytime I shut her down. Ongoing issue now.

Am I wrong about it being a lifter or is this just the stickiest one in the world?

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Your lifters are hydraulic. They pump up with oil when your engine is running. They usually maintain their hydraulic pressure even after your engine is turned off. When they do you don't hear any ticking when the engine is restarted, however a lifter that leaks and looses it's pressure over time (or never fully holds pressure even with the engine is running) will tick. When you rev your engine to red-line (bad idea by the way) your oil volume and pressure increase. This may temporarily stop the lifter from ticking. There's no magic cure for your problem other than to replace the offending lifter.

So, not sticking just losing pressure ... Hrmm. Do we have a tutorial on replacement. Done rockers but not hydro lifters.

You have to remove the upper and lower intake manifolds, the valve cover(s), the tappets, push rods and then the lifters should just pull out of the block. Because they're roller lifters you'll need to be replaced at least in pairs if you're not replacing all of them.

Tip: Be careful to keep anything you remove in order as it's best to keep the various sets of parts together. I take a cardboard box, mark it left and right, front and back then punch holes in it.

Roger - I'll just do all the rockers, pushrods, and lifters in one shot then. Preferred brands (if other than Ford)?

When I cam'ed up my Mustang I just bought Ford Racing lifters they are the same as stock, lifters are lifters basically why pay a lot.
