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Reverse Gauges


December 30, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Clemmons, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 Sport 4x4

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just do a search, you can find many threads on installation, I'm sure of that

I could even do though myself. Here is a thread someone wrote up with pictures. Read the whole thing and you will understand it even more. This is really not a hard install. And the ones you bought look like the plates slide right over the needles so you won't have to reset the indicators or anything. A piece of cake.

Dead Link Removed

Hope that helps. Let me know if you need anything else.

Thats a great write up but there again I've had some bad experiences wiring interior equipment. I didnt quite think it took so much disassembly to install a new cluster. I'll see what I can do.

Are the gauges for your 96 with or without tach? i'm having trouble finding reverse-glow gauges w/tach for my 96

I just finished that same install. Took about an hr or so total, just go slow and don't force anything. One thing I did different than the write up, It says to plug back in the cluster so that you can aline all the information lights, what i did insted was set the cluster on top of a lap shade so that I could get a better alinement. I also used hot glue insted of scotch tape, its got a better hold but can still be removed.
