rim/tire help.....Momo's | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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rim/tire help.....Momo's

rim/tire help.....Konigs

Ok im talking to a site about these 18" konigs I want. He said they fit most SUV lug patterns and to make sure I told him what im driving. He said they have a 20+ offset. He also said that with the 18's the wheel setup will be smaller then what I have now. Isn't that how is ends up being for everyone going with rims and low profiles???? He made it sound like it was a problem and suggested 20's LOL Also.....will the 20+ offset work with my x???

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yeah, a 20 mm offset can work on your truck, but how wide are the wheels?

20 mm is less than an inch.... this doesnt sound correct.... 20 cm maybe......

Originally posted by jimabena74
20 mm is less than an inch.... this doesnt sound correct.... 20 cm maybe......

no, offset is measured in mm. jim, im shocked! you should have known that ;) remember, this is offset we're talking about, not backspacing (which is measured in inches anyway; and 20 cm is 7.9" anyway, that wouldnt be possible.)

Originally posted by alphasylum
wheels as in the tires ill be putting on them???

I havent picked tires yet.

no, wheels as in the wheels ;) the rims youre looking at are 18", right? well, 18" x what? 18x7? 18x8? dare i say 18x9? :D

sorry sara... i forgot what offset was.....

well, you might wanna go with something that has a little more aggresive offset than 20 mm, unless youre planning on running little tiny tires.

18x9 w/20mm offset is asking for rubbing. youre cutting is so close, you might wanna get under there with a micrometer and take some measurements before you order them, heh.

check out the tire size conversion tool thing over at 4lo.com and play with some numbers.

and if i may give you some advice, pick your tires NOW before you order your rims. if you wanna see what a headache it can be, do a search for "tbomb" and "cobra r", heh; trust me ;)

Isware this really angers me.....I have the hardest time finding the style i like. What vehicles are they modeling these rims off of??? I mean jesus nothing that i like works. And when I say work I mean work nicely.

alpha, maybe you are to picky ;) ....

Originally posted by alphasylum
Isware this really angers me.....I have the hardest time finding the style i like. What vehicles are they modeling these rims off of??? I mean jesus nothing that i like works. And when I say work I mean work nicely.

heh, i know exactly what you mean. i was there last fall, but i was in a worse place than you; i already had tires sitting in my garage.

why dont you see what the rim guy says when he gets back to you? if he tries to sell you these rims, then go somewhere else, because thats a disaster waiting to happen; but if he tells you they wont fit, then he probably wants you to have a setup that fits right, and see what else he suggests. i really lucked out by having an awesome wheel guy about 15 minutes from my house (ive bought 2 sets of rims from him for 2 explorers in the last couple years, so he likes me :D )

good luck sarah. eventually, youll find something thatll work.

This is what he said to me:

Ok, we have 2 different tires that will actually sit perfect, size wise & will actually be about 1" taller. Both styles are 285/60r18 which is 31" tall.

Originally posted by alphasylum
This is what he said to me:

Ok, we have 2 different tires that will actually sit perfect, size wise & will actually be about 1" taller. Both styles are 285/60r18 which is 31" tall.

well, it sounds like that guy knows as much about rims as my grandmother.

first of all, i have 285 60 r17's on 17x8 rims with 0 offset, and im not too far off of having a major rubbing issue (luckily i have no rubbing at all, but its prolly because of production tolerances, i would assume.)

285 60 r18 is not 31", its 31.5, and when youre gonna try to take as close as you are with this setup, that extra 0.5" is a HUGE factor. second of all, when you take into consideration the 9" width, youre gonna have the top of tire rubbing the fabric off the bottom of your drivers seat, heh.

heres a good comparison: guys with cobra r's (17x9 rim with 24mm offset, which is close enough for the purpose of the point im trying to make), the biggest they run with slight rubbing is 275 55 r17. with the setup this guy is talking about (starting with a bigger rim and a much bigger tire), its gonna be a problem.

i would go somewhere else where the guy (or girl) at the shop/site knows what theyre talking about.

Using low profile tires aren't necessarily going to be smaller or bigger. I have the Scorpion Zeros and they are within 0.1" of the factory size. Picking the right tires can make it very close. Just takes a little math.

Well first off, HRE makes some darn fine wheels. They tend to be a bit pricey though. They are really high quality wheels, and you get what you pay for. If you want to spend enough, HRE will make you a set of custom three piece wheels (their designs, your size). If you like them, go for it. You'll also have the bonus of probably being the only one on this board with those wheels.

I was just perusing the HRE site. The 645's in an 17x8.5 runs for $945 per wheel. Like I said, if you get those, you'll have some kick-a$$ wheels.

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Originally posted by DocVijay
I was just perusing the HRE site. The 645's in an 17x8.5 runs for $945 per wheel.

geez. those wheels look cool, but they aint worth that, hah! i cant imagine putting wheels that expensive on a daily driver (and, yes, im aware that people do it, but their reasoning must be way over my head...either that, or they must have lots of money to burn.)
