rocker damage | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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rocker damage

well, i was planning on spending some time working on my mom's x. when i got home, i found that someone backed into a car or somthing. The damage is on the rocker panel right where the moulding is. although its only depressed an inch or so, there is one gouge mark, and the paint has splintered EVERYWHERE. The paint is cracked along the top of the moulding, inside edge of door, and along the begining of the next door. I know they'll never get to fixing the thing (money is tight) but the bare metal and flaked paint bothers me.

i'm thinking of pulling the moulding, repainting the area then reataching it. Only problem is i never used that touch up spray paint before. will it look ok to do such a large area? how should i prep it? I could use any paint aplication tips you guys have. i'd be painting "up" because of the angle of the door, and am worried bout it running, bubbling, clumping etc.
