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Roof Racks


Explorer Addict
October 25, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Bartlett Tn
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 Eddie Bauer
Do yall know of anybody who sells or makes inexpensive off-road roof racks for 1st gen explorers. I'm am looking into one but am having a hard time finding one and can't make my own :(. Or does nayone want to sell me there's.

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Mine was made by Surco, I think they still sell them, Summit still sells them, plus all the attachments.

buy yakima cross bars then find one on ebay i have a yakima system on my car and am very inpressed

I got mine from zoneworx


That's class! What's the price range?

(Were you on the 5 near Avenida Vista Hermosa in the last couple weeks? Your vehicle looks very familiar) Did you go to THaven?

There is only one downside to the Yakima, they have a round design that tend to be much more slippery than the Thule style bars. So unless your going to always use the accessories on the yak bars you may run into issues with strapping down certain items.

I tried a set of the yak bars, but when I tried to tie down my canoe it would slide all over. I was going to keep them and just put some anti skid tape on them, but then I found the bars from discount ramps and for less than 1/2 the price they work perfect for carrying ladders and canoes, and can use the Thule accessories to carry my kayaks as well. :thumbsup:

Don't get me wrong Yakima makes a great product, I just wanted to point out one downside to the design.

I don't remember the cost. I had to buy adapters from 4wheelparts for one of their roof racks and I added the spare tire mount. Originally designed for a hummer
