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Roof Rail Separating

Bought 2018 Explorer Sport August 2nd; roof rail cap pops off at the back every time I go through car wash. Went into dealer service shop today for warranty replacement of the roof rail cap.

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Bought 2018 Explorer Sport August 2nd; roof rail cap pops off at the back every time I go through car wash. Went into dealer service shop today for warranty replacement of the roof rail cap.
Scrolling thru stuff on here the other day and saw this, just had it happen to me today on my 2017. Same location as you.

I fixed them on my 2018 by heating the ends with a heat gun and reforming them so they clip better onto the rails. My problem was the right rear wasn't engaging the side clip. Once I reformed it, it made a very loud snap sound when it engaged.

I fixed them on my 2018 by heating the ends with a heat gun and reforming them so they clip better onto the rails. My problem was the right rear wasn't engaging the side clip. Once I reformed it, it made a very loud snap sound when it engaged.
I will have to try that thank you!

Bought 2018 Explorer Sport August 2nd; roof rail cap pops off at the back every time I go through car wash. Went into dealer service shop today for warranty replacement of the roof rail cap.

Ugh. This is happening to one of the roof rail caps on my 2018 XLT. It's very loose and can't get it to clip onto the rails. But I had it vinyl wrapped for my blackout package so don't want to get them replaced just yet, as I would have to re-do the wrap.

Does anyone know of issues with Ford Explorer roof rails detaching? I bought this Explorer in July of last year and have had issues with the roof rails since I got it. The top plastic pieces have been replaced by the dealership twice and a few weeks ago the replaced the entire apparatus
(meaning the piece that attaches to the roof and the top plastic piece that snaps onto it). The driver side rail started coming up again after going through my local car wash. I'm really not sure what else the dealership can do since replacing the entire thing didn't work. I'm starting to think it's a design issue...
What should my next course of action be? THANKS FOR ANY HELP!!


Have not seen this on the forum before.

Push it back in if it goes in and take it back to the dealer. On my 2016 XLT the silver top rails were replaced twice due to them coming up. The third time it happened they replaced the entire rail (both pieces) on both sides. Didn't have any issues after that.

On my 2016 Sport the passenger side front plastic rail just started popping up and it's never been to a carwash.

Welcome to the Forum Kelley.:wave:
Your thread was merged with this one on a similar issue although the initial post was not as bad as yours. Your next course of action should be straight forward. Take it back to the dealer as you are under warranty.


I have this issue on the rear of the driver side as well. I believe it has been replaced once already through warranty and I will be bringing it up again when I go in next time. @BradleyFord did you have any luck after you had it replaced?

Mine also popped off on left side every time I went through car wash. Dealer service shop replaced under warranty. Has not happened again. Right side started a couple months later and I reported it but haven't made the appointment to get it replaced. It pops up less frequently than the left did.

Hi, I have a 2017 Explorer Sport and noticed that the driver side OEM roof rail at the back has popped up. The base is still screwed down, but the black plastic cover has lifted and if I try to pop it back in, it pops back off and won't stay down. Again, this is only the cover and only at the back end.

My concern is if water gets in there and makes its way to the interior roof, etc.

Has anyone else have this issue? I plan on taking it to Ford soon since i'm at 25,000 miles. Hopefully it's covered. But wanted to see if it's a common problem.


A late welcome to the Forum...you may be setting a record...2 years on the Forum and this is your first post??

As you can see from the previous posts, a very few others have had similar experiences.

Also, using the 'Search' function in the upper right corner of the page will give you this result:

Roof Rail Separating

Welcome to the Forum Alessio.:wave:


I've had my rail caps replaced once under warranty. It was a few weeks before the new set started again.

I gorilla glued them down and that solved the problem.

2019 Explorer Sport Roof Rack Covers

Both of the black roof rack covers on my Explorer Sport keep coming loose (clips not holding) and popping up! I have taken it back (4) times and they replaced the clips, but they still come up. I went out at the local Ford Dealer to the line of new Explorers on the lot and (2) had the covers sticking up! I went over to the other ones that were not sticking up and pulled slightly. Some were tight and some came off easily! Now I am being told by Ford Customer Service that there is nothing they can do! REALLY! My $50K blows apart with wind or at the car wash and that is acceptable by Ford?
How many others have this issue?

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