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Rotor Painting

open rims, open rotors, road grime, rust, dust, oil, muddy water, salt water, sand Ect. and the occasional dog hiking his leg. if the brake system was that temperamental it would surly be a sealed system or we would all be in DANGER.

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For cars that sit for some period of time (a week maybe) they develop rust on the rotors. Of course after a short drive the rust is gone and rotors look like they're supposed to. If things like that don't effect performance that much, like seadawg said, i doubt a very thin layer of paint is going to ruin his brakes.

open rims, open rotors, road grime, rust, dust, oil, muddy water, salt water, sand Ect. and the occasional dog hiking his leg. if the brake system was that temperamental it would surly be a sealed system or we would all be in DANGER.

For cars that sit for some period of time (a week maybe) they develop rust on the rotors. Of course after a short drive the rust is gone and rotors look like they're supposed to. If things like that don't effect performance that much, like seadawg said, i doubt a very thin layer of paint is going to ruin his brakes.

+1. Rotors look good man! That's my next weekend project is to take the rotors/calipers and clean them up really good and paint them. I'm debating on silver or black, I don't want to draw to much attention to them, just clean that area up a bit.

okay , just a small comment,,

what about when the brakes get really hot on long hill or a couple of fast slow downs from high speed,,, ???

is the paint fire proof ???
we all know paint will catch fire,

If nothing else, a high temp (+500 degree) paint would also remedy that problem.

Great job apple, you've given me a good idea with this!

If theres a single glaring problem this forum has it's how some posters tend to press their opinion of the safety aspects of certain mods. I dont mind seeing a post clarifying the logical problems with a submitted modification from a forum poster but it seems like any mod that poses a simple problem such as the drain valve mod immediately has ill minded posts on why such and such a thing shouldnt be done....Maybe i'm being **** but seeing a post that lets the modder know of any unforseen problems or maybe a link to a better idea/product or improvements to the mod itself seems like a better way of voicing how you feel about said mod than simply going "Graaa bad mod!"....Not everyone knows everything and generally advice given in a ill-intended/directed way is received in a less acceptable manner.....and then it turns every mod thread into a debate xP.....*Shrugs*

But yeah, I was thinking about doing the same thing to a pair of rotors I just bought not 2 hours ago :p You can be surprised about the braking preformance lost by contamination from various chemicals....I think it's hard to say how badly some paint scrubbing off your rotors will degrade your brakes and while some high temp paint and a bit of masking is prolly your best bet for keeping good looking rustproof brakes, it might be a good idea to keep the paint off your wear surface, or maybe use an old set of pads to wear through the paint. Just be careful :p As always your brakes wont work perfect after a new set of pads are installed due to break in periods and theres always the slacked up calipers that need a little extra fluid. If your still stopping, your prolly fine, but keep them brakes clean ;)

(Holy cow, I hope this post makes sense :S

If theres a single glaring problem this forum has it's how some posters tend to press their opinion of the safety aspects of certain mods. I dont mind seeing a post clarifying the logical problems with a submitted modification from a forum poster but it seems like any mod that poses a simple problem such as the drain valve mod immediately has ill minded posts on why such and such a thing shouldnt be done....Maybe i'm being **** but seeing a post that lets the modder know of any unforseen problems or maybe a link to a better idea/product or improvements to the mod itself seems like a better way of voicing how you feel about said mod than simply going "Graaa bad mod!"....Not everyone knows everything and generally advice given in a ill-intended/directed way is received in a less acceptable manner.....and then it turns every mod thread into a debate xP.....*Shrugs*

But yeah, I was thinking about doing the same thing to a pair of rotors I just bought not 2 hours ago :p You can be surprised about the braking preformance lost by contamination from various chemicals....I think it's hard to say how badly some paint scrubbing off your rotors will degrade your brakes and while some high temp paint and a bit of masking is prolly your best bet for keeping good looking rustproof brakes, it might be a good idea to keep the paint off your wear surface, or maybe use an old set of pads to wear through the paint. Just be careful :p As always your brakes wont work perfect after a new set of pads are installed due to break in periods and theres always the slacked up calipers that need a little extra fluid. If your still stopping, your prolly fine, but keep them brakes clean ;)

(Holy cow, I hope this post makes sense :S

There were very few people that said to not have done the mod. Their point is that there is a proper way to do it. The potential safety issues were mentioned in a nice manner as well. It was the OP who couldn't properly acknowledge good information when it was provided. That shows blatant disregard for safety which is not acceptable regardless if this is a forum or not.

After market oversize tires, High performance engine mods, Lift kits, painted rotors, diy exhaust, drag racing, burnouts, extreme stereo systems all these things are or could be dangerous and all are features of this forum.
It is a dangerous world boys

The forum is not just for bragging rights its to help pass information on. The right information. You can get hurt from almost anything but anything I do to my unit is researched and if I do not find it I ask. I would want to know if a load stero will set off my airbags (lol) or that my brakes will not work with a Weld rims due to offset I could save you time, money, and or pain.

The job looked god and atleast if you have issues with the breakes then you have an idea where to start if not no harm but it ma save someone else with a different type of pad.

okay , just a small comment,,

what about when the brakes get really hot on long hill or a couple of fast slow downs from high speed,,, ???

is the paint fire proof ???
we all know paint will catch fire,

the paint was a high heat paint as mentioned with this quote below here... its got a ceramic mixture to withstand 500F and the primer is high heat to 1200F... very good quality paint and it goes on very smooth and easy to spray

If nothing else, a high temp (+500 degree) paint would also remedy that problem.

Great job apple, you've given me a good idea with this!

i appreciate it and it goes very well with painted calipers... i did ford blue with silver on the outside part of each caliper... adds a nice touch

If theres a single glaring problem this forum has it's how some posters tend to press their opinion of the safety aspects of certain mods. I dont mind seeing a post clarifying the logical problems with a submitted modification from a forum poster but it seems like any mod that poses a simple problem such as the drain valve mod immediately has ill minded posts on why such and such a thing shouldnt be done....Maybe i'm being **** but seeing a post that lets the modder know of any unforseen problems or maybe a link to a better idea/product or improvements to the mod itself seems like a better way of voicing how you feel about said mod than simply going "Graaa bad mod!"....Not everyone knows everything and generally advice given in a ill-intended/directed way is received in a less acceptable manner.....and then it turns every mod thread into a debate xP.....*Shrugs*

But yeah, I was thinking about doing the same thing to a pair of rotors I just bought not 2 hours ago :p You can be surprised about the braking preformance lost by contamination from various chemicals....I think it's hard to say how badly some paint scrubbing off your rotors will degrade your brakes and while some high temp paint and a bit of masking is prolly your best bet for keeping good looking rustproof brakes, it might be a good idea to keep the paint off your wear surface, or maybe use an old set of pads to wear through the paint. Just be careful :p As always your brakes wont work perfect after a new set of pads are installed due to break in periods and theres always the slacked up calipers that need a little extra fluid. If your still stopping, your prolly fine, but keep them brakes clean ;)

(Holy cow, I hope this post makes sense :S

yea man i keep my rims shining and keep everything nice and shiny... gotta love a clean car... and the clean wheels add alot of character to the car... thanx for the tip

There were very few people that said to not have done the mod. Their point is that there is a proper way to do it. The potential safety issues were mentioned in a nice manner as well. It was the OP who couldn't properly acknowledge good information when it was provided. That shows blatant disregard for safety which is not acceptable regardless if this is a forum or not.

its not the fact that it wasnt done in the rite way, its the fact that ur being rediculously overzealous about this entire thing... others may have said it wasnt safe but ur acting the world stopped rotating on its axis and we're all going to die because i painted the rotor surface

i do appologise for my comment , i tried to make it as soft as possible, , i didn't mean to offend, i was just worried as a safety concern from a Fireman who had to chase down a neighbour of mine as he did this to his jeep using many coats of bad paint that did catch fire, so he just kept driving , thinking it was safer than stopping and possibly his tires catching as well burning his jeep,,
of course it would have eventually burned out ,but would it have also taken a brake line ??
sorry Gents,,, i just had an experience with this once already ,

this a a good mod,, i think i want to do it to mine, just put on new rotors,,

i do appologise for my comment , i tried to make it as soft as possible, , i didn't mean to offend, i was just worried as a safety concern from a Fireman who had to chase down a neighbour of mine as he did this to his jeep using many coats of bad paint that did catch fire, so he just kept driving , thinking it was safer than stopping and possibly his tires catching as well burning his jeep,,
of course it would have eventually burned out ,but would it have also taken a brake line ??
sorry Gents,,, i just had an experience with this once already ,

this a a good mod,, i think i want to do it to mine, just put on new rotors,,

yea man no big deal... i came off a bit strong on the retaliation haha... thanx for the heads up... i gave it one coat of primer and one coat of silver... i prolly shoulda done 2 coats of primer and one silver to make sure it sticks for longer but i didnt... u dont have to completely sand down all of the rust, just get the majority of it so it doesnt make the paint chip... as long as u stick to the ceramic high heat paint and use 4 coats max, i think ur rotors will stay pretty smooth and i dont think theyll be a fire hazard haha... good luck

I'm not gonna come on here and call you an idiot, but I think you had other much better options than painting the rotors.
I agree with the other that that's a terrible idea.
They don't make brake part cleaner film free for nothing.
These may have been a better option.
Or of course at least trying to mask the used surface of the rotors from paint.

Just my opinion, as everyone has their own.


I just got the ECB rotors and guess what they do NOT look like the photo instead they look just like bigapple's, yup they paint the whole rotor.

No special instructions with them just clean them and put them on. Paint came off after I bedded them in.

They work good about the same as the power slots they replace.

I just got the ECB rotors and guess what they do NOT look like the photo instead they look just like bigapple's, yup they paint the whole rotor.

No special instructions with them just clean them and put them on. Paint came off after I bedded them in.

They work good about the same as the power slots they replace.

Good for you man,
Glad to hear you didn't skimp out on your parts.
I only suggested what I found, and never claimed to have these rotors myself.
Good to know they don't come the way they're pictured. :salute:


