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Well-Known Member
September 7, 2015
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2002 Exp XLS
2014 Exp XLT
Not sure why this groove is there on a 2008 Explorer?



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It looks like a wear groove. Are the pads worn and metal to metal contact is occurring? Maybe there is debris between the rotor and the pad scouring out the rotor.

It looks like a wear groove. Are the pads worn and metal to metal contact is occurring? Maybe there is debris between the rotor and the pad scouring out the rotor.
OK I will check for debris or something. There is still a good amount of brake pad left on both sides.

OK I will check for debris or something. There is still a good amount of brake pad left on both sides.
Is the scouring something that has happened recently? It could have happened from a previous set of pads being worn down and the rotors were not replaced.

Is the scouring something that has happened recently? It could have happened from a previous set of pads being worn down and the rotors were not replaced.
I just noticed a few days ago after having tires and rims installed. It started making this scrubbing noise, and rattling type noise also when hitting a bump.

Something stuck between the pad and rotor.
