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Rough Ride!! Need Advice...


February 1, 2011
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 XLT Sport
So my GF has a '98 Explorer Sport XLT with 174,000 miles on it. I installed new shocks a couple years ago which seemed to help quite a bit at the time, installed new sway bar bushings (front and rear) this past summer. It has the 16" wheels with Goodyear Wranglers on them and they are about 3 years old (probably 1/3 tread left). This thing rides like it has solid tires with solid bars instead of springs!! You can hear and feel every single little imperfection in the road, even rolling over reflectors in the road result in a "KABOOM" as if you just hit a big pothole. I've checked the vehicle over and the best thing I can come up with is that the Gabriel shocks I put on are starting to wear out. Has anyone made a change or replaced something on their Explorer that made a huge improvement to the ride quality??? I know these things don't ride this bad when new, my Mom bought 2 of them brand new in '91 and '98 respectively, so I know how they SHOULD ride. I know the Explorers aren't the smoothest riding vehicles, but, this one is the worst I've ever sat my butt in!!

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Bilstein shocks are supposed to be the nicest ride,,

i would argue and say Fox shocks,
but the price difference is too great for most people to use them,,

I honestly don't want to spend a ton of money on it b/c I'm not sure that we will have this Explorer much more than another year. Do the Sports have a problem with leaf spring sag?? It does appear that the front sits slightly higher than the rear just judging by the gap between the tire and the fender, probably a 1/2" difference. I'll have to measure it, that would throw off the weight distribution and make the front possibly feel more stiff.

yeah the sports have a mono leaf in the back and are known to sag. you can put a set of leaf springs off a 4 door for cheap, if you find a good set at the junk yard, they are a bolt in replacement.

Thanks for that info, I'll have to find a set of those :)

KYB GR-2 shocks made the biggest difference in ride quality.

Anyone else have a particular shock that you've had good results with?? I've always liked Tokico, I had a set of KYB Gas Adjust shocks on my Buick GN and they were pretty good. I know that the GR2 are cheaper and are a "twin tube" and the Gas Adjust are "monotube".

I replaced dismal Goodyear Wrangler RT/S with Michelin LTX M/S on my 96. Improved ride quality ALOT. Pricey, but well worth it.

I agree with toypaseo, the Wranglers do ride harsh. What PSI are you running them at? I'm running no more then 30 on the Wranglers with KYB-GR2's. It's a firm ride for sure, but not so bad. Anything over 30 and the Wranglers turn to stone!

I think the Monroe SensaTrack shocks will give you the smoothest ride. KYB's in general are kind of firm.

I've tried running anywhere from 26psi to 35psi and I can't tell a difference at all, feel every crack in the road!! I'm sure some of it has to do with the tires, but, not sure how much. The tires are about 3 years old and have about 1/3 tread left, so, they still look good although I'm sure they are harder than they were 3 years ago. I'm thinking about just getting some new shocks, still not sure what to get b/c I see so many mixed reviews on here. Seems like I need a shock that is going to dampen those small bumps and cracks in the road well, be more controlled.

Goodyear Wranglers are the most worthless rough riding tires I've ever had the misfortune of using. Goodyear tires just suck, period. I've never had a Goodyear that I liked or that rode well.

I agree partially about the Wranglers. I've got Authority A/T's and they look great and have gone everywhere I've asked them too, but they sure are rough! I really need some new shocks myself though.

I am..

Having the same problem.. I have the monroe sensa-tracks and they are just way to firm for my sport.. Its like i am hitting a brick wall when I hit the smallest bump.. I've replaced the ball joints and got new tires.. and just had to replace the bearing-hub assy due the the massive jolts my ex it taking from potholes and bumps.. I just dont know which shock to get.. I am actually looking for a softer shock to take the bumps, possibly Rancho adjustible shocks so i can pick my own firmness or softness. I dono. I'd hate to spend 70 bucks on one shock but at this point it might be worth it.

I've got the monroes on my 01 sport as well. It was a decrease in ride comfort the day I installed them. I've got the same hard hitting problem, on bfg all terrains. I don't blame the tires, the problem is elsewhere. I'm lloking at the ball joints, upper and lower, the ujoints for the rear clunk, the bushings up front and for any loose or missing bolts on the mounting hardware of t case, tranny, and shocks.
If your springs are good, and shocks arenakt bouncy, I'd say the harshness is coming from your chassis to wheel connections. I'll let you know what I find this weekend.

I feel the need to add that the monroe shocks did increase the handling of the vehicle a fair bit.

It's worth noting that 95-00 Sports ride worse than any other Explorer because of three things.

1. Non-progressive torsion bar in front
2. Non-progressive leaf spring in rear
3. Short wheelbase

There's nothing you can do about the torsion bar front. The rear can be upgraded to a 4-door progressive leaf pack as others have suggested. Obviously the wheelbase can't be changed either. Shocks will make a difference but just keep in mind the ride will always be on the harsh side.

Tires do make a difference. I had AM Generals on mine when I bought it, they were an odd size (sidewall was too tall) and were very squishy. I replaced them with Michelin X-radials which were a big improvement. It's been 40,000 miles and they still have great tread left, too.

I have Reflex shocks on mine and it's pretty rough, might try another brand when these wear out.

I have replaced all the original shocks with Monroe Sensatrac. The ride on higway improved 100%. The only downside to that is the fact the on corners it tends to lean a litte bit more till it hits the "firmer" area of the shock travel. Still, handling is way better than what I had before (90k worn-out original shocks). I have multileafs on the back (maybe that makes a difference too).

I was looking too to replace them with something as smooth but with better control. But I didn't find nothing else. The Reflex have better control but seemed to be harsher on other Explorer. Never rode in one with Gabriel MaxControl or Bilsteins - those are my other options I guess.
Or maybe I have to replace the present Wrangler tires?

PS: Who is in SE Virginia (Hampton Roads) up for some comparativ testing?

The only thing I've found that makes a huge difference is putting extra weight in the rear. My wife always reminds me "it's an Explorer, not a Lincoln".
