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Routing Through Firewall

I ran my wires thru the grommet that holds the washer fluid line for the rear window. Its a ******* to get too, but I found if you unclip the line from all the clips in the engine compartment, you can pull the grommet into the passenger compartment and that gives you a little more slack. Make a small slice in the grommet, run your wires thru it and push the grommet back into place. Re clip the washer line in the engine compartment. Its not impossible, but it is difficult.

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I too ran a wire through the washer line grommet in my Sport. It was without a doubt the most difficult/frustrating thing I've ever done on a vehicle. I'll drill a hole in the windshield before I do it again. Thanks for the write up on the hole in the floor, I'm sure I'll be going that route soon.

2013 Easy way to run wires through firewall

Help!!! what is the easiest way to run wires through the fire wall, I am installing fogs and cant seem to figure it out . Went through the "glove box " couldn't find it.

2013 ford explorer police interceptor

Help!!! what is the easiest way to run wires through the fire wall, I am installing fogs and cant seem to figure it out . Went through the "glove box " couldn't find it.

2013 ford explorer police interceptor

In the glovebox area after taking off the glovebox, I found a grommet that closed off a hole that was below the grommet that had some really soft rubbery feeling line running through to the engine to the right near the edge of the fender. That hole should be facing towards the ground into the wheel well. What I did was take off the wheel well of the passenger side and you will be able to see that hole. There's an opening into the engine bay from there so you don't have to drill anything. If my description isn't enough, I can provide picture.

My understanding is the opening described in the police interceptor write up is not available on the civilian model, there is some wiring box that covers up that area. It is only there if you order the interceptor option.

Sounds like going thru the floor and backup or trying to run thru that grommet used by the windshield washer fluid hose is the only answer I have found. Yet to actually run mine.

i see this is going to totally suck when i do it. I was hoping the interceptor way would work.

This video shows drilling a hole thru the firewall, about the 8 min mark if anyone is interested. This is for trailer brakes but applies if you're looking to power a subwoofer.

Looks like they got thru pretty easy at this location....need to make sure you use a grommet and silicone to seal after the wire is in.

Here is a view of the grommet coming through the firewall under the dash:


Here is one taken showing grommet going in from engine compartment:


Fog Lights



I recently purchased OEM foglight kit from Spyder (for 2014 Ford Explorer base), comes with all the necessary wiring, along with the switch. I also purchased an HID kit w/relay to replace the stock fog bulbs. My issue is that I never did a firewall pass through, and I have no idea of how to go about doing that. I purchased a fuse tap because I want to run it off the ignition fuse which is inside the interior fusebox that's under the steering wheel column. Hell, I can't even locate the fusebox, but I know the area of which it's located in, guess I gotta do some digging around. Is there any alternatives to doing a firewall pass through? The space is pretty tight, and it's a bit intimidating to me since I'm a beginner. Any suggestions?

There are 2 fuse boxes. One in the engine compartment and one in the cabin. The one in the cabin is located up above the e-brake. Perhaps this link will help a little. I originally took the picture to show where the Securicode can be found. It would help if you are a contortionist.
The manual shows which fuses are which. Good luck and Happy New Year.:thumbsup:


Thanks, I appreciate it. That space is freakin tight; Happy New Year to you, too!

There are 2 fuse boxes. One in the engine compartment and one in the cabin. The one in the cabin is located up above the e-brake. Perhaps this link will help a little. I originally took the picture to show where the Securicode can be found. It would help if you are a contortionist.
The manual shows which fuses are which. Good luck and Happy New Year.:thumbsup:


Getting through the fire wall

Does anyone know a good place to get to the engine bay through the fire wall of the 2011-16 explorers? I work at a car stereo place and had to run power wire for an aftermarket amp. The best place I could find was a grommet, behind steering wheel going straight up, through which factory wires were already passing through. The only thing I didn't like was that it was next to the actuators for the window wipers. I was careful to avoid them but I would like to know if anyone else has found a better spot to run any type of wires from the engine bay to inside of the cabin. I was lucky enough to have to only run a single 8 gauge wire, but what if I need to run 4 or 0 gauge? Any suggestion helps and thanks in advance

Does anyone know a good place to get to the engine bay through the fire wall of the 2011-16 explorers? I work at a car stereo place and had to run power wire for an aftermarket amp. The best place I could find was a grommet, behind steering wheel going straight up, through which factory wires were already passing through. The only thing I didn't like was that it was next to the actuators for the window wipers. I was careful to avoid them but I would like to know if anyone else has found a better spot to run any type of wires from the engine bay to inside of the cabin. I was lucky enough to have to only run a single 8 gauge wire, but what if I need to run 4 or 0 gauge? Any suggestion helps and thanks in advance
I've merged your thread with this one on the same topic. Hopefully there is some info here that will help.


I've merged your thread with this one on the same topic. Hopefully there is some info here that will help.


Thank you for leading me to this thread. I didn't even search before starting my own haha

Please give how to instructions and not just i did it!

How the heck did anyone route power cable thru grommet behind glove box? No way your hand can move behind the box enough to actually push wire thru grommet. I know where it is but there is not enough room to route the cable. Someone please tell how you actually did it and not the general "I used grommet behind glove box". Amazing how no one explains how on a forum. Come on! Please explain how this was completed. Your help is more than appreciated.

Not sure what you are talking about but just remove the glove box should do the trick.

Sorry I can't help, I routed my power cable on the other side of the Explorer... drivers side.


  • Fuse.jpg
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You have to take the glovebox off to reveal the grommet hole. Then you have to remove some of the wheel liner to be able to fish the wire to the engine bay.

Taking the glovebox off is really easy. There are two white pins on the bottom. Pull those out. Then open the glovebox, and where the inner lip of the glovebox touches the top, feel for two black tabs that prevent the glovebox from opening all the way, press them in and then pull the glovebox out. Now you have plenty of space to access the predrilled hole that has a grommet in it.

The next thing you want to do is remove the wheel liner. There you go.

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How the heck did anyone route power cable thru grommet behind glove box? No way your hand can move behind the box enough to actually push wire thru grommet. I know where it is but there is not enough room to route the cable. Someone please tell how you actually did it and not the general "I used grommet behind glove box". Amazing how no one explains how on a forum. Come on! Please explain how this was completed. Your help is more than appreciated.
Welcome to the Forum.:wavey:
There are a few posts in this thread that may help.

