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Rubber brake hose?


Elite Explorer
October 29, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Naperville, IL(home)/Iowa City, IA(school)
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 Eddie Bauer
While I was replacing my RA bushings, I noticed on the frame rail, the brake line that supplies the rear brakes was split. By split, I mean it had 2 different lines connected. A short length of rubber hose was used to connect them. I was wondering, is this line stock? Or did the previous owner take a shortcut when trying to connect 2 brake lines? I wonder because all other rubber hoses (except the hose from the steel line to the t-fitting on the rear diff) have been replaced, yet I still have a spongy pedal. Could this be the problem?

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There is a stock rubber hose from the metal brake line on the body to the center of the rear diff. There are then metal lines running from the center of the rear diff to each wheel. The rubber hose is necessary to let the rear axel move up and down as you go over bumps. If it is old though, it could be your problem because when it gets old it can't take the pressure and may "baloon" up when you hit the brakes, giving you a spongy feel. You could have someone else push the brakes and watch the hose to see if that's happening. If the hose is getting old, it probably wouldn't hurt to replace it anyway.

I have that hose, but there is a rubber hose on the inside of the frame rail, right behind the fuel filter. Is that supposed to be there?

Believe that hose is part of the vapor canister system about 3-4 inch

You also may not see the balloning because the hose has a few layers

if the ruber line on the frame rail is indeed splicing the brake line it should NOT be there replace the whole line.should be steel from front to back along frame.

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