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Running Boards YES?/NO?

I believe there are factory steps on my 2005 X. I don't use them to get into the vehicle, but my wife does on occasion. Actually, I've accidentally stepped on them and it made entering the vehicle more difficult than not using them at all. I like the looks of them.

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Im waiting for aftermarket power running boards to be made for the 06

Any of you guys in the DC/MD/VA area looking to sell your OEM running boards?

I'm looking for a set for my navy blue 05 explorer

Personally I took the factory running boards off because it just gives a more offroad appearance and takes some of the soccer mom appeal away. :D

This is what Gerald did with his running boards:


Best of both worlds:thumbsup:

I left my factory boards on. Of course, living in FL means not dealing with the side effects of sonw. Plus it feels to me like the truck is incomplete without them. I might upgrade to step bars, but definitely want something there. Maybe side pipes...... :).

Nerf Bars

I ordered my '06 Ex without the running boards because I didn't like the way they looked. I figured I'd wait until aftermarket nerf bars came out, since I didn't really like the "naked" look either. I installed Go Rhino nerf bars when they finally came out for the 4th gen Ex. They look good and were pretty easy to install, and have held up pretty well so far over the past 3+ years.

Only have a stock picture of the bars (I got the black):


I have the factory running boards. I can't get in the truck without them!!

What do I know though, I'm a soccer mom.

in the 2006+ xplorer, the running board is not affecting the off road capabilities since it is at the same level on the chassis.

if you want to remove it, the only thing might be the look.

Do you or don't you have the running boards on your Explorer and why?

Nerf Bars?
Running Boards?
Tube steps?
Something else?

Personally I took the factory running boards off because it just gives a more offroad appearance and takes some of the soccer mom appeal away. :D

I want to take the factory running boards off my 00 2wd Mounty, which I will be lowering. Is there a good way to plug the holes in the rocker panels without welding/painting? Anyone done this? Pics?


San Diego

in the 2006+ xplorer, the running board is not affecting the off road capabilities since it is at the same level on the chassis.

if you want to remove it, the only thing might be the look.

Wrong, and I have proof to back this up:

The first time I took my 06 off-road I simply went up a dirt road and while crossing drainage ditch my passenger side running board slammed into the concrete siding of the drainage ditch, and broke, not just a little, it broke off a 2 foot long piece.

So yes removing the running boards will increase the off-road capability of your explorer.

I also bunged up my running board pretty good going offroading over rocks. BFH made quick work of straightening it back out though.

I will eventually get running boards, its helpful for my granma and the short people i move to get on. also i think it will look good on truck. BTW im rockin a First gen X. but id though id share...

I've been debating on removing my running boards for a few weeks now, I've decided I'm going to lift it first and then decide. I haven't found much about tidy'ing up the body once you remove them yet, Or what to expect to find under them on my mountaineer.

I get the benefits of having them, and those wanting to keep them on to keep their seats nice but frankly mine already has a tear and wear marks from getting in an out and it has running boards and sits at stock height (aka mini-van height ha)

But at the same time I have never liked running boards on anything, even the trucks I have owned.

I keep mine on since the dang frame is so low anyway.

Wrong, and I have proof to back this up:

The first time I took my 06 off-road I simply went up a dirt road and while crossing drainage ditch my passenger side running board slammed into the concrete siding of the drainage ditch, and broke, not just a little, it broke off a 2 foot long piece.

So yes removing the running boards will increase the off-road capability of your explorer.

I wanted to say that with the running boards installed, you'll not loose clearance since the frame of the car is at the same level of the running boards. Anyway, for me I drive on sand not on rocks so I don't have any reason to remove them. For rock crowlers, removing'em might be a good choice.

Ahh I see that explains a little bit, well seeing that you drive on sand do you get any issues with sand building up on the running boards from the tires throwing the sand onto them?

I removed mine and repainted the frame rails with black high gloss, it looks way better, and its just rustoleum so i can fix any scratches easily

hey guys- I am new to the board and i don't know if this thread is still active. I recently broke the passenger side running board on my 2006 ex and i miss it terribly ! you can see the frame under neath... anybody want to part with one that will fit my ex?

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