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SAS hubs question


Well-Known Member
December 19, 2011
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Tampa, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Adrenalin 4x4
Both of the SAS threads I have read have a similar setup with a Dana 44 and both mention Warn manual locking hubs. Is that a requirement once you do this mod? Do you permenantly lose the ability of the auto locking hubs that our trucks come with or is it just due to that type of axle being used?

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The ST doesn't have locking or auto locking hubs, they have an open diff from the factory which means it's not locked.

With the Grand Waggy Dana 44 it's open from the factory as well because it has an all time four wheel drive transfer case so it didn't need lock out hubs.

If you plan on using a GW dana 44 like most of us do then you'll wanna get manual lock out hubs for it.

Manual hubs are worth every penny anyway. If you mess up an inner shaft, you can just unlock that hub and limp to the parking lot. My GW 44 had Superwinch hubs but if you can swing it Warn are the best.

Wow I had no idea. Guess I didn't really understand how the 4wd system works.. Thanks for the info guys!
